2004 Movie News Archives

In memory of Christopher Reeve

October 11, 2004: Colleagues Remember Christopher Reeve

The Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation has set up a page where you can email in your condolences to Dana Reeve and family. While you're there you can also make a monetary donation to the Foundation.

BBC News have published an article/interview with Susannah York, who played Lara (Superman's Kryptonian mother) in the Superman films with Christopher Reeve. Here's an excerpt from the article...

    I am very sad at Christopher's death because he set such an extraordinary example over the last nine years, showing courage and tenacity in finding a new way of life.

    His focus on stem cell research, on getting himself better as an example for other people, was very inspirational.

    I think we have lost a very brave and courageous and dedicated individual.

    Christopher and I saw a lot of each other on the Superman set, and we'd have lunch together and saw each other socially.

    He was very like how he comes across on film - very strong, very brave, very forthright and very generous-spirited.

    He was earnest and dedicated to making Superman so that he would not disappoint children or adults who had grown up with the Superman comics.

    Christopher really wanted to personify and become the character of Superman and I think he did that wonderfully.

Read the entire article at the BBC News website.

Meanwhile, we received the following email from Ilya Salkind (Executive Producer on "Superman: The Movie") regarding Chris' passing...

    Some rare human beings transcend our greatest dreams of wanting to be strong and bring freedom, goodness, and justice to the world. Christopher Reeve was one of them. He made our dreams a reality. In a fantasy world, Superman is the best incarnation of our finest qualities. In the real world, Christopher Reeve was a true super man who will forever inspire us to strive to attain those qualities.

AFP in L.A. published this from Robin Williams...

    "The world has lost a tremendous activist and artist and an inspiration for people worldwide. I have lost a great friend," said Robin Williams, the comic actor.

    The two had been close friends since sharing rooms when drama students at The Julliard School in New York City three decades ago.

    Williams was one of the few who could joke about Reeves tragic injuries in public. "Bid 5,000 dollars and see him move his leg!" Williams once said at a fundraising event in 2002 for Reeve's foundation for the paralysed.

Fans started heading for Reeve's star on the Hollywood Walk of fame within hours of the announcement of the actor's death on Sunday from heart failure. Reeve was 52.

2004 Movie News

Listed below are all the Movie News items archived for 2004 organized into 5 categories:

New “Superman” Movie News:

Christopher Reeve Movie News: George Reeves Movie News: “Supergirl” Movie News: Other Movie News:

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