2007 Comic Book News Archives

Superman/Batman #37

April 12. 2007: Alan Burnett Talks “Superman/Batman”

The Pulse caught up with writer Alan Burnett to talk to him about his up-coming 6-part run on the "Superman/Batman" comic book. Here's part of the interview...

    Q: Previews teased your six issues could "challenge Batman's and Superman's very soul." That seems ominous. I know you don't want to spoil anything, but what else will you tell faithful PULSE readers about this storyline?

    BURNETT: I would even tell the unfaithful readers, but it's an easy storyline to spoil. I can tell you that it has the requisite sex and violence. Sometimes I think sex and violence is all I care to read about anymore, that and the Bush Administration, the other fount of endless entertainment. I don't want to give away too much because I'm hoping the story keeps taking the reader into places he doesn't expect. Some of this was by design, and some of it was a process of discovery. You begin with a spine and try to adhere to it, but along the way characters start pulling you off the path, until the spine becomes a parallel route. You're still following it, in a way -- like a navigator with a sextant. And you surprise yourself. Somewhere around issue three I suddenly realized, "Oh, so that's what this whole thing's about." I think that's the nature of writing a mini-series. It's like writing a screenplay in chunks. You can't go back, so you better have a clear map or your characters are going to start running around like a farce on speed.

    I'd also like to mention that besides the story, there's a very good reason to pick up this series, which I can spell out in six words: Dustin Nguyen Dustin Nguyen Dustin Nguyen.

Read the complete interview at The Pulse website.

Part 1 of Alan's 6-issue run starts in "Superman/Batman #37" in stores this June.

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