2015 Merchandise & Miscellaneous News Archives

March 20, 2015: Thrilling Without Killing - Holding Superheroes to Higher Standards

Thrilling without Killing Scott Cranford, who played the official town Superman at the Superman Celebration in Metropolis, Illinois for many years, has written a thought-provoking article titled "Thrilling Without Killing". Here's an excerpt from the article...

    Why was Clark Kent drinking beer in both Superman Returns and Man of Steel? Nothing against beer, but can't there be one guy who is above it. Shouldn't a superhero try to set a moral standard even if he is in his secret identity. If I'm a kid and I learn that Superman is down on booze, I'm going to be down on booze. I may go on to drink, but my hero is always going to hold that gold standard.

    It is amazing how many "Superheroes"  in big budget "Superhero" movies barely do anything heroic. In some, they are the cause of the problem.

    The blurry line of what makes up a Superhero worries me. Looking cool has become more important than doing right. I'm all for gritty superheroes but we need happy ones too. I don't want to see gritty become the norm. That's not what superheroes are about.

    When Superman snapped Zod's neck in Man of Steel, I was sadly kind of numb to it. The direction things were going, I was not too surprised. What did surprise me was the audiences reaction. People didn't want to see Superman kill. That gave me hope.

Read the complete article at HeroicWorld.com

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