2005 Merchandise & Miscellaneous News Archives

Batman vs Superman

June 21, 2005: Chicago Tribune Asks “Is Superman Better Than Batman?”

The Chicago Tribune has published an article by Julia Keller in which she relates why she doesn't like Batman and why she thinks Superman is better. Here's an excerpt from the article...

    Without question, Batman rates much higher on the hip-ness scale. I faced this unfortunate truth long ago. When someone would yammer on about Batman, I would shyly murmur, "Yeah, well, but Superman's OK too," which was as far as I dared go in bucking the dominant paradigm.

    This sentiment was often greeted with hoots, snorts, catcalls, put-downs. Superman? Why, Superman is so ....... earnest. So uncomplicated. So free of enticing ambiguity or sophisticated contradictions.

    Superman is bright and cheerful and justice-loving. Batman is dark and nuanced and deeply conflicted.

    Superman can't help but be super. Super powers coast in his blood; they're as permanent as the wave in his forelock. Batman, however, selected his fate. He chose to transform himself into a crime-fighter, to acquire a cool car, to stock his basement with fancy technology.

    SHOCC Icon Batman can quit. Superman can't. Superman is still super, no matter what. Batman has to get up every morning and decide if this is the day he stops being Batman.

Read the entire article at the Chicago Tribune website, and be sure to vote for Superman in their online poll.

2005 Merchandise & Miscellaneous News

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