2003 Comic Book News Archives

Adventures of Superman #616

February 17, 2003: Joe Casey Talks Superman in 2003

Newsarama sat down to talk with Superman comics writer Joe Casey about the Man of Steel and his thought on the year ahead. Here's an excerpt from the interview...

"One thing that makes Superman such a potent icon is his inherent ability to reflect the culture, wherever the culture may be at any given time," Casey said. "I don't think Superman is too 'safe' of a character simply because he doesn't mindlessly kick ass like the Authority or the Ultimates. The challenge is to take him to that moral ground that places him far above those characters. As the world gets more and more complex, and the line between what's right and wrong, and what's acceptable in society, becomes more blurred, the burden is on us as creators to put Superman above the rest, in terms of his outlook, his perspective on the world, and how he responds to it. More than any other character, Superman sees the big picture in a way that most of us aren't even capable of, even in the real world. To me, that makes him even more of a revolutionary than someone who is blatantly 'anti-establishment.'"

Read the complete interview at the Newsarama website.

2003 Comic News

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