2019 Comic Book News Archives

November 6, 2019: Is Superman's Secret Identity Reveal the End of Clark Kent?

Superman will be telling the world that he and Clark Kent are one and the same in the upcoming comic book story line titled "The Truth".

The Washington Post has published an interview with writer Brian Michael Bendis in which he discusses the story, what it means for Clark Kent, and whether there's any trickery behind the reveal. Here's part of the interview...

"There's no Kryptonite. There's no Mister Mxyzptlk. There's no magic amulet. No Bizarro," Bendis said emphatically. "It's a hero who gave a lot and needs a little something for himself."

While the story begins in "Superman #17", which goes on sale Wednesday, November 13, fans are already concerned about what this means for Clark Kent.

"I get why people would immediately think ... that Clark Kent just goes away," Bendis said, adding, "Clark Kent is a huge part of who [Superman] is. It's who he grew up as. He's not giving it up. He's sharing it with people. He's saying 'this is who I truthfully am. This is how I'm good at both jobs, and I want you to know that so we have a more honest relationship.'"

Subsequent issues will deal with how the revelation affects Clark's colleagues, other superheroes, and the villains as well.

"How it affects business. How it affects the Daily Planet. How it affects how he gets stories. How [will] people perceive his stories? Does he have to give his Pulitzer back? All of these things are going to be addressed very quickly," Bendis assured.

Read the full article at The Washington Post website.

2019 Comic News

Listed below are all the Comic News items archived for 2019.