2022 Comic Book News Archives

July 27, 2022: SDCC Report - DC's "Dark Crisis" Panel

By Luis A. Jaime

The moderator introduces the panelists for DC's DARK CRISIS panel:

Joshua Williamson, Writer of DARK CRISIS
Daniel Sampere, Artist of DARK CRISIS
Meghan Fitzmartin, Writer of DARK CRISIS: YOUNG JUSTICE
Jeremy Adams, Writer on THE FLASH

Once everyone is seated, Joshua Williamson recaps what's been happening so far in DARK CRISIS. He warns that if you haven't read it yet, be prepared for spoilers. I won't go into any detail because if you've read DARK CRISIS, you already know what's going on. And if you haven't read it, then there WILL be spoilers.

After he's finished, the floor goes to Tom King, and he talks about DARK CRISIS: WORLDS WITHOUT A JUSTICE LEAGUE - SUPERMAN #1. He's asked how he came up with the concept for the story.

It feels like a lot of us sitting in the audience were moved by the talk of fatherhood within Tom King's story. I love that Chris Burnham, artist of DARK CRISIS: WORLDS WITHOUT A JUSTICE LEAGUE - SUPERMAN, used his own father as a model for Superman in the book.

Tom King brought the same energy and love of Superman to this panel just like he did in his last panel (DC's Tom Taylor and Tom King in Conversation) which both he and I just came from.

After Jeremy Adams finishes talking about FLASH #785 and how it ties in to DARK CRISIS, we have Meghan Fitzmartin, Writer of DARK CRISIS: YOUNG JUSTICE, talk about her book. This is Meghan's first ever panel at SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON.

In the following video, Meghan describes the feel of her book, how she grew up reading YOUNG JUSTICE, and what we can expect to see with the team. Joshua Williamson then talks about how he's been reading DC comics his whole life. He talks about legacy, and how he loved the era when there were families with multiple versions of the same hero; Bart, Wally, Kyle, Hal, Ollie and Connor. There is also a reveal of some new pages that have never been shown before from DARK CRISIS #3.

The next video continues immediately afterwards and Joshua Williamson shares a secret that he's been keeping from everyone for a very long time. They also show the cover for DARK CRISIS #4. Joshua talks about what's going on and they show some beautiful art from that issue. I have to say, Daniel Sampere is an amazing artist. We get to see a few pages of art and they are gorgeous.

Keep in mind, there are MAJOR SPOILERS coming up for DARK CRISIS #4.

Up next, writer Ram V. is introduced and joins the panel. He talks about his involvement in DARK CRISIS. They show artwork from the project Ram V. is working on, that ties into DARK CRISIS, and what it means to have Jon Kent there.

The next video talks about the up-coming DARK CRISIS one-shots: DARK CRISIS: THE DARK ARMY. It is written by Mark Waid (World's Finest), Dennis Culver (Future State: Gotham) and Delilah S. Dawson (Star Wars: Phasma). This is a crucial issue within the story of DARK CRISS. Also, what Mark Waid writes in this issue will set up his upcoming book BATMAN VS. ROBIN, that starts in September.

The final video is a short discussion with Jeremy Adams talking about DARK CRISIS: WAR ZONE. It has five stories that couldn't be included in DARK CRISIS #6, so they appear in this one-shot. It is told from the point of view of Linda Park and Iris West.

This concludes the DC's DARK CRISIS panel. I was blown away by the beautiful artwork and I am very excited to continue reading DARK CRISIS. After sitting in on this panel, I will definitely be getting the one-shots, because I don't want to miss out on any crucial DARK CRISIS stories. I hope you enjoy them as well.

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