“Supergirl” Episode Review – S04E02 “Fallout”

Superman Homepage writer Marc Lax reviews episodes from the “Supergirl” TV series, airing on The CW.

Check out his review of the first episode of Season 4 in which a shocking revelation about the President of the USA causes chaos in National City.

Originally Aired: October 21, 2018
WRITTEN BY: Dana Hogan, Maria Maggenti and Daniel Beaty
DIRECTED BY: Harry Jierjian

Melissa Benoist (Kara/Supergirl)
Chyler Leigh (Alex Danvers)
Mechad Brooks (James Olsen)
David Harewood (J’onn J’onzz)
Katie McGrath (Lena Luthor)
Jesse Rath (Brainiac 5)

Sam Witwer (Agent Liberty)
Nicol Amber Maines (Nia Nal)

Lynda Carter (President Marsden)
Bruce Boxleitner (Vice President Baker)
Rhona Mitra (Mercy Graves)
Robert Baker (Otis Graves)
Andrea Brooks (Eve Teschmacher)

4Rating – 4 (out of 5): We left last episode with the President being revealed as a Durlan. We open with Supergirl and President Marsden discussing the President’s resignation with a swarm of protesters outside the White House. A riot ensues and Supergirl, flagpole in hand, puts a stop to it. This is of course an iconic image. How many covers, posters, etc… have we seen of Superman in this pose or with the flag flying in the background? I like it and it looks great here! So far when it comes to Supergirl (and for that matter Superman) humanity still seems to respect them despite all the anti-alien sentiment. That may soon change but the rioters seemed to listen to Supergirl for the time being.

I find the character Otis to be annoying. He’s obnoxious and arrogant, which I’m sure we expect in a villain, but this guy’s too much for my taste. And for that matter his sister Mercy is worse… or maybe that’s more a comment on Rhona Mitra’s portrayal. Yes, she makes Mercy unlikable but with the scene-chewing the actress comes off more unlikable! I’m starting to roll my eyes whenever she enters a scene. Her attack on L-Corp was predictable as was her takedown by Lena using Lex’s dismantled suit. Don’t get me wrong the L-Corp scenes were fun, especially Kara trying to slip away to become Supergirl. While we’ve had some moments of this before this scene really reminded me of the many times (whether in TV or film or you name the comic) when Clark was in the same predicament. But like Clark, Kara still managed to help (by a super sneeze or some other way) halt the bad guys in her civilian identity. And let’s give a hand to Miss Teschmacher for her quick ingenuity as well.

Brainy had a nice moment with Nia at the Pizza Restaurant after his identity was exposed. I loved her verbal takedown of the restaurant owner and her brief but flirtatious conversation with Brainy who seems to suspect that he’s seen her before. The fact that she’s playing a character that’s based on a Legion of Superheroes character probably has something to do with it. We’ll see where this goes. Nia also had a great moment with James describing what happened at the restaurant and telling him as a trans gendered woman she can empathize with feeling like an outsider like the aliens must feel. I’m glad her talk with James encouraged him to take a bigger stand on the anti-alien movement.

I have to say I’m really enjoying Jesse Rath as Brainy. He can be very formal and funny at the same time. It’s taking him a while to adjust to the twenty first century but with the help of Alex and the rest of our heroes he should do just fine.

Agent Jensen’s seduction and turnabout by Mercy happened too fast. Whatever his deep feelings may be about aliens he went from supporting Director Danvers to siding with Mercy and Otis in a matter of minutes. Convenient he was there to help the two of them escape. I suppose there was a brief homage to Superman II when we see a hologram of Mercy and Otis still in their cell like Lex and Otis in that film. But how often are we going to see the old looped video disguising a criminals get away? The DEO should have known at that point that they had escaped.

The scene with J’onn at Agent Liberty’s rally was a bit frightening when you consider that these types of gatherings of hate groups do exist in our world. The whole anti-alien scenario is of course an allegory for what’s happening in our current society and whatever fence you’re on I still applaud this series for trying to come to terms with what’s happening here. Hopefully it will open the eyes of some characters and maybe a few viewers.

Well, kryptonite is never far and Mercy setting it off into the air mimics Otis’ rant earlier about the lead that was sent into the air to stop the Daxamites. I think we know Kara will come through it okay but it was a good way to end the episode.

All around this was an enjoyable episode. It was fun but it also showed the darkness of the anti-alien movement. You don’t know who your true friends are, whether they’re alien, human or humans with an agenda. I’ve enjoyed these past two episodes. Flawed they may be but they are setting up the story for at least the first half of season four and hopefully there are more secrets to be revealed.

Check out the “Supergirl – Episode Reviews” Contents page.

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October 22, 2018 1:34 pm

This is a morphing into a total female/woman’s show. And the Hollywood liberal-ness is so over whelming I find it too distracting. That’s all last nights episode was. What exactly is Jonn’s place in this series any more? He walks right through the front doors with out any clearance just to say hi then leaves!! And Brainiac….what a wimp role he plays. Alex of course showing her baddest side of who’s the baddest will I’m sure before the end of the season, be sporting a man’s crew cut. It’s looks as if next weeks episode will have Supergirl laying on… Read more »

October 22, 2018 9:06 pm
Reply to  redcape

the Hollywood liberal-ness is so over whelming I find it too distracting. redcape, I can’t say I blame you there. This episode was yet another attack on conservatives by the writers who are doing the business of China and the Deep State. This show promotes MISANDRY, which is the opposite of misogyny. To the reviewer, as I sat through this episode with anger in my heart and a pit in my stomach… I find the character Otis to be annoying. He’s obnoxious and arrogant, which I’m sure we expect in a villain, but this guy’s too much for my taste.… Read more »

October 22, 2018 11:22 pm
Reply to  RobertAnthony

I ask again: What is Supergirl if not a warrior of social justice? Why would she not take a stand against intolerance? “Hope, Help, and Compassion for ALL” is her motto. Why is that a problem?

October 23, 2018 1:14 pm
Reply to  Lana2k5

Lana2k5, I’m not sure those two actually care about compassion for all or anything else that Superman and Supergirl actually stand for. While I understand not wanting a superhero show to be bogged down in politics such that it takes away from the fun and the adventure (I even share that to some degree) but I also do not believe for one damn second that Clark or Kara would EVER turn their backs on anyone for being different let alone stand idly by in face of an onslaught of bigotry. Especially not when they themselves are products of compassion given… Read more »

October 23, 2018 8:10 pm
Reply to  MattComics

How touching. There’s already enough of your style of political barf as it is. It’s a TV show not a teacher of morals every episode.

October 24, 2018 7:50 am
Reply to  redcape

How typical. There’s more than enough of your style of gasbags pandering to paranoia as it is. It’s a superhero show, the characters standing up to evil is part of the point.

October 22, 2018 3:58 pm

Bruce Boxleitner, aka Commander John Sheridan of Babylon 5, is now President!

October 23, 2018 1:19 pm

Does anyone know the model or manufacturer of the tablet Lena used during the hacker attack?

Thanks in advance! 🙂