Mild Mannered Reviews – Justice League #39

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Justice League #39

Scheduled to arrive in stores: February 21, 2018

Cover date: April 2018

“Justice Lost” – Part 1

Writer: Christopher Priest
Penciller: Ian Churchill
Inker: Paul Pelletier
Cover: Paul Pelletier, Cam Smith & Adriano Lucas
Variant Cover: J.G. Jones

Reviewed by: Glen J. Clark

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Justice League #39With Batman taking a leave of absence from Justice League proper, he has more time to spend with his makeshift team, the Justice League of America. When the team comes across a derailed train with biochemical possibilities, Batman selfs doubts his and his team’s ability to handle the problem and makes a call to the Justice League.

Cyborg appears in front of the House of Representatives and is shown no respect, as they ask for Superman or Batman, he informs them he is the chairman of the League at the moment. He is introduced to his lawyer and invites her up to the Watchtower to meet everyone.

J’onn J’onzz meets with Jessica, who is really regretting her decision to kiss Batman (see last issue), and tells her he has need for her and Baz elsewhere.

The Justice League help Batman with the train, by saving the city but in the meantime putting the rural areas and farmlands in peril. Public outcry is at an all-time high as people are starting to question the League’s every decision.

Vic gets a call from someone concerned that the League is putting their homes in danger. He tells him he will be right down leaving the lawyer alone on the Watchtower. She then pulls out a weapon and says, “Let’s get on with it”.

Next Issue: Natural Selection, The League versus Darwin.

4Story – 4: This one was a bit more confusing than previous issues, as Priest jumps around the timeline. With that being said, after a couple read throughs, it was still a very enjoyable book with possible future storyline seeds being planted. In the beginning, we see The Fan come to Aquaman’s aid after he teleported him back in issue #37. As a cool little easter egg, he appears decked out just like Jason Mamoa from the movies. I must say I am extremely intrigued with the Batman and Jessica Cruz storyline and really wonder where that is going. Also in a thread that I have not mentioned yet, there is an ongoing question that Baz is wondering why does Superman want to have lunch with him. Priest has managed to turn the world against the League. How can the League recover and regain the public’s trust and what are they going to do with The Fan?

5Art – 5: Like last issue we go through yet another artist, this time it’s the stunning work of Ian Churchill. His take on the League is perfection, and yet just another artist I wouldn’t mind seeing on a regular basis. How these different artists affect the feel of the trade remains to be seen, but as a single entity, it is absolutely stunning.

2Cover Art – 2: Unless this is some sever foreshadowing, this never happens in the book. The League does not attack Cyborg, add in an average art job and this cover is not that great. Thankfully the art inside outshines this cover by miles. If this is the cover you can find, don’t let that stop you from picking up this book.

5Variant Cover Art – 5: Another JG Jones masterpiece, seek this cover out, you won’t regret it. The little Bat boomerang is a nice little touch in front of Cyborg.

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February 25, 2018 5:01 pm

Ok Im behind on Justice League. Why the heck was Jessica kissing Batman? I thought she had a thing with Barry. Also isn’t Batman getting married to Selina? (And seriously who the hell is the Jessica and Batman ship even for?)