2010 TV News Archives

Dark Archer

January 26, 2010: Justin Hartley Talks Green Arrow vs. Dark Archer

Newsarama.com caught up with Justin Hartley to talk to him about "Smallville", and specifically about this Friday's episode "Disciple", which features Green Arrow up against his old mentor, the Dark Archer. Here's a portion of the interview...

    Newsarama: I know you have a run in with Dark Archer in the upcoming episode. So can you give us some info on the relationship you guys have? Sort of set it up for us?

    Justin Hartley: Sure. So basically we've all seen Oliver take this turn for the worse this year and then kind of recover from it. And right now he's on the brink of recovering from this whole downward spiral thing and trying to figure out who he is and making sure...he's teetering back and forth, and I don't think he really trusts himself that much. But he's on this good path right now. So what happens is, because timing is everything on 'Smallville', right? This Dark Archer, this guy from Oliver's past comes back to kind of claim what's rightfully his. They were both members of this underground society and one of the deals of this society is, when you get older, your apprentice is supposed to take your life so that you don't watch yourself decay and all that stuff. So he comes back to claim that, and people around Oliver are kind of mistaking him for Oliver. They're not quite sure if it's Oliver. Maybe he's lost his mind, maybe he really is a bad guy. So they start second guessing him, which is kind of depressing in a little way. But they square off at the end, and...I'm not sure if I should tell you what exactly happens, but I am in the next episode, so I don't die. I can tell you that. [laughs] They square off, and Oliver is trying to claim what is his, saying, 'Look. I've changed. I'm a different person. That's not me anymore.' So there is a big face off there.

You can read the entire interview at the Newsarama website.

2010 Television News

Listed below are all the Television News items archived for 2010 organized into various categories:

“Smallville” News:

“Young Justice” Animated Series News: Other Superman Related Television News:

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