2010 Comic Book News Archives

Supergirl #50

March 11, 2010: "Supergirl" Interview with Sterling Gates & Jamal Igle

By Adam Dechanel

Supergirl, Kara Zor-El returned to continuity in the Superman/Batman title and though she struggled for a while with misfired reboots and lost story threads, along came Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle. With their arrival they breathed new life into the legend of Supergirl with new concepts, characters and an integration with the Supergirl & Superman movies unheard of before now. Kara's title has recently reached a landmark 50th issue and the writer/artist team agreed to answer some questions for us in fandom! So without further delay...

    You've truly made your mark as the definitive modern Supergirl artist, most superheroes are men and a fair share of the villians too, how challenging is it to illustrate a female and still make her mighty?

    JI: Well, the key for me is to think of her as an indvidual and draw her the same way -- at least attitude wise -- as I would any hero. I draw to, in those moments, give Kara a bit of confidence in the fight. In the quiet moments, it's a different story. There I can change her body language so that she comes off a bit unsure, a bit younger than she does as Supergirl.

    You came into the Supergirl title after many a writer had tried their own take on fixing her, was it hard to amalgamate all the loose threads?

    SG: No, I don't think so. And I kind of disagree with the notion that Supergirl was a character who needed to be "fixed." I think everyone involved in the book before us did good work and we got some really great Supergirl stories out of them. Jamal and I just came along and pushed Supergirl in a slightly different direction, and then New Krypton got people really interested in our book.

Read the complete interview right here at the Superman Homepage.

Many thanks to Adam Dechanel for conducting this interview.

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