Mild Mannered Reviews – Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #6

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #6

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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #6

Scheduled to arrive in stores: August 1, 2023
Cover date: October 2023


Countdown to Injustice: Chapter 6 – “Retake”

Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: Clayton Henry
Cover: Clayton Henry and Marcelo Maiolo
Variant Covers: Ariel Colon, Laura Braga & Prasad Rad (Pressy), Zu Orzu, and Cully Hamner

Reviewed by: Craig Boehmer

Jon has disappeared into the sun to recharge, but Clark doesn’t know where he is so he sends the League around the world to find him. Jon decides he must fight to save the lives of Batman and Harley. He convinces Barry to sit the fight out, rips off Hawkgirl’s wings, steals Hal’s ring, and then steals Diana’s lasso. Using it he helps Damian realize he doesn’t want Bruce dead. Anticipating something, Clark grabs Jay and confronts Jon. He proceeds to break Jay’s arm before Jon uses his suped up superspeed to hug Clark. He then plays Lois’ message of farewell from our world, to Clark. This touches Clark and seems to be removing barriers until Cyborg transports Jon home.


2Story – 2: First off, as a Superman fan the Injustice World is incredibly frustrating. Why don’t we ever get a world where Batman becomes a tyrannical dictator? Secondly, how on earth did Jon become an expert on his Blue form? There was absolutely no story evidence for that. Did they skip an issue of him training or something? That was surprising and really poorly done, all it needed was a line or two of dialogue explaining it, at a minimum. Third, just to clarify, Jon did all of this so that the lady responsible for the murder of an innocent woman, her unborn baby, and millions in Metropolis shouldn’t receive punishment? How messed up is that? That’s probably my biggest gripe, Metropolis is typically shown as a city of around 11 million people. That means Harley is personally responsible for 11 million deaths, who thought she should be a good guy in this universe? What kind of nutcase (Jon) would think that she shouldn’t receive Justice.

3Art – 3: The art remains consistent. The problems I’ve had the whole run remain, and there’s no need to rehash them here.

3Cover Art – 3: The cover has a cool concept, but the artistic style holds it back.

1Variant Cover – 1: I still do not like this style.

4Variant Cover – 4: I like seeing the different iterations of Jon on this cover. But the style and background limit how cool it looks.

5Variant Cover – 5: I love this cover, plus having Val Zod and Lois Tornado in the background is a great reminder that they are in this series somewhere.

5Variant Cover – 5: Blue Beetle looks awesome.

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