
"Ask Matt" Fan Forum Archives

Ask Matt Fan Forum Here are Matt Idelson's answers to questions fans put to him in May 2007:

Matt's Answers

David Goodman ( asks:
I was just wondering how old Superman is?

Matt: Supes is in his mid-thirties, David, like I will also be forever.

Seth Michaud ( asks:
Hi Matt! Just to make sure, Clark is still written as the real person in this slight revamp right? I noted that what was actually changed is that you guys at DC decided to incorporate actual movie/"Smallville" elements in the comic series. I hope you guys don't lose sight of the the separation of man from costume. Thanks, I just fight for Clark's realness on a regular basis. My point: If Krypton had not exploded, he would live as a Kryptonian as Kal-El; on Earth as Clark Kent, it is the combination of his earthly upbringing, his solar-powered abilities, and Jor-El's additional guidance that create Superman. Make sure your writers don't forget that please and thank you. Everything looks good thus far.

Matt: Excellent plea, Seth. It's odd, but depending who you ask, Clark is or isn't written as the real person. I know Kurt and I nearly came to blows (not) over this matter on this very website not too long ago. The bottom line is that Clark/Kal the man is not going to be forgotten, neglected, or written differently. I think if you look at the work Geoff and Richard have done on ACTION, Fabian has done on ACTION, and Kurt has done on SUPERMAN proper, the characterization of Clark has been handled really well, regardless of where these guys are writing from. Would you agree with that assessment, Seth? Better yet, did I even address your concern?

David Chapman ( asks:
Hey Matt. Thanks for answering our fan related questions. My question is in part two of "Up Up and Away", when Clark is walking around his apartment without his glasses on, just before he puts them back on there is a panel where we see through his eyes and it's blurred. Does this mean that in this new continuity Clark actually needs to wear glasses? (whether with or without his powers) And in "Action Comics Annual #10" he also wore glasses as a teenager. Why? Can you please clear up my confusion?

Matt: I'm hear to clarify, David. In "Up, Up and Away!", Clark indeed needed glasses to read as he had lost his powers. Thankfully, when he got them back, he could return to wearing glasses as part of his disguise, only. In the case of the Annual, the idea was to enhance the weak, multi-ailment image that young Clark was projecting to hide his fabulous powers. Just mark it up next to hey fever and whatever other ailments he feigned having as a kid.

Mark Bailey ( asks:
With the new continuity, will we see the return of Silver Age villains like Terra-man and/or Golden Age villains like the Ultra-Humanite?

Matt: God, I feel like such a cliché answering you like his, Mark, but while it's definitely possible we'll see either or both of those characters down the road, we don't have them in the plans currently. Feel free to call me lame.

Josh K. ( asks:
Are there any future plans to release all of the Superman comics since June of 1938 in CD-Rom box sets? I am new to comics and Superman is my favorite comic book super hero. I am one of those people would like to read comics starting from the very begining to the present despite the type of writing style or era.

Matt: Hola, Josh. I haven't heard any plans to package the books on CD-Roms, but I think it would be a very cool thing to have! I'll pass your suggestion along!

Arnie ( asks:
How will Kevin Anderson's "Last Days of Krypton" novel fit into Superman's comics continuity? Will elements of that story appear in the comics? Or is it more of a "pocket universe" tale much like the theatrical films, "Superman: The Animated Series", and "Smallville" are? Are we seeing any elements of that backstory playing out in the comics now? Thanks as always.

Matt: I haven't read it yet, Arnie (I can barely keep up with being kinda late on this forum instead of REALLY late!), so I'm really not sure. I'm guessing it'll be a standalone novel, as "in continuity" as the Bryan Singer movie, or the Smallville TV show. Of course, if it's got cool ideas in it, well, Superman comics have never been shy about swiping cool ideas from other media, whether it's Jimmy Olsen or the current Fortress...

Jason ( asks:
Hi Matt. I'm sure you're sick to death of continuity-related questions. But I feel compelled to ask: is "Superman for All Seasons" considered canonical now? It seems like it might fit.

Matt: I never get sick of continuity questions, Jason! At the moment, it doesn't seem like "All Seasons" would fit quite perfectly (the Kents look different, Lana's an orphan, Lex Luthor never lived in SmallvilleŠ but the essence of the story might still be in there. We'll have to wait and see.

Jason Major ( asks:
ACTION COMICS #648-649 dealt with the subject of Superman's relation to religion. As a Christian and Canadian, I have to admit to being confused as to what message was being said in this issue: Is Clark Kent saying that Christian missionaries are wrong in sharing their faith in other countries? Wouldn't he believe in freedom of religion? Does Superman have a religious belief, or is this best left ambigious? Why devote 3 issues (including SUPERMAN #659) to this topic? What are the writers trying to say about Superman's role with religion? Also, this issue says "The American Way" is great. But what about other national beliefs? Again, I appreciate what the writers are trying to do- thanks for clearing this up!

Matt: Hey, Jason! My goodness, the last thing we were trying to convey was the idea that Superman is anti-religious, let alone anti-Christian! While the particular missionary he was dealing with in ACTION was misguided in its actions, the notion we wanted to convey was not anti-anything, but rather the incredible power of belief, and how that can lead people individually or as a group to do great things -- and conversely, it can be perverted to achieve bad things.
It's actually something of a coincidence that we had two religion-themed stories cropping up in so short a span of time. SUPERMAN #659 was put together first (back when it was supposed to be #660 and life was good), while the ACTION story emerged out of a pair of different ideas Fabian had come up with to fill the gap before issue #850. It seemed different enough from the SUPES story, while very interesting in its own right. Having Barbara Johnson show up for a cameo in issue #849 was just a fun way to thematically draw the stories together.
Finally (longestŠ answerŠ everŠ), invoking "The American Way" was Fabian's way of drawing a parallel to the support Superman engenders in the populace of Metropolis, and how the "American Way" has conversely inspired Superman all these years. So, we cool?

Tim Murphy ( asks:
Hey, Matt! First, I'd like to thank you for answering our questions! Mine is regarding Jimmy Olsen's signal watch. In the "Last Son" story, the watch's face is a silver S shield whereas in "Countdown" the face seems to be flat (digital, maybe?) and I was just wondering if there is a reason for the discrepancy. Maybe it's just different artists' interpretations, like the S shield on the belt in Last Son?

Matt: Hi, Tim! Yeah, I'll go with the "artistic interpretation" answer! Honestly, putting together a weekly book like COUNTDOWN is such a daunting task, I think it's a real credit to the folks working on it that that seems to be the only discrepancy so far!

Thanks for continuing to answer our fan questions.

Matt: Thanks for continuing to ask! I can't wait to hear everyone's thoughts on the insane stuff we have coming up between now and October! I'm really pumped by the stories we're working on, though it's more important that you folks are. Take care.

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