Mild Mannered Reviews - Superman Adventures Comics

Superman Adventures #51

Superman Adventures #51

Scheduled to arrive in stores: November 8, 2000

Cover date: January 2001

Writer: Dean Motter
Penciller: Neil Vokes
Inker: Terry Austin

"How Many Miles to Nowhere Atoll?"

Reviewed by: George O'Connor (

A leisure cruise with Lois Lane and Lana Lang on board runs suddenly askew when a flaming spacecraft causes the cruise boat to capsize, spilling both women into the ocean.

Washed onto a deserted island, Lois and Lana meet an old hermit whose wife died there years ago. The hermit shows them a prehistoric stone shrine to a monster called Tikamok. Upon arriving, the statue comes alive and the hermit, believing the legends to be true, attempts to sacrifice Lana and Lois to the stone monster in an effort to bring his wife back to life.

Superman battles briefly with the stone monster before the giant turns away and heads towards the ocean. Superman's sudden appearance distracts the old man long enough for Lois to knock him unconscious with a branch.

Supes later explains that the stone monster was just waiting for its ride, which was the flaming craft that fell into the water.

1Story - 1: Bleh!!! Thank God Millar's coming back next issue. I don't know how much longer I can take crappy Superman Adventures stories!!!

2Art - 2: One word: Vokes.

2Cover Art - 2: Jeez! Even Manley and Austin can't get it together for this issue! The cover looks awful!!!

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Note: Month dates are from the issue covers, not the actual date when the comic was on sale.

January 2001

February 2001 March 2001 April 2001 May 2001 June 2001 July 2001 August 2001 September 2001 October 2001 November 2001 December 2001 Annuals

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