Mild Mannered Reviews – Superwoman #1

Mild Mannered Reviews – Superwoman #1

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Superwoman #1

Scheduled to arrive in stores: August 10, 2016

Cover date: October 2016

“Who is Superwoman?”

Writer: Phil Jimenez
Penciller: Phil Jimenez
Inker: Matt Santorelli
Cover: Phil Jimenez and Steve Downer

Reviewed by: T.A. Ewart (aka liheibao)

Click to enlarge

The residual energy that escaped as Superman died, struck both Lois Lane and Lana Lang. Lois has been changed into a super-strong being, capable of flight and feats, while Lana has become an energy being able to do amazing things as well, and together they are Superwoman… or so it seems, until Lois is beset with an apparently final fate on their outing together. Lana is left alone to contemplate her next action, which remains to be seen.

5Story – 5: Phil Jimenez proves to be an excellent choice for the latest incarnation of Superwoman. Jimenez’s storytelling abilities are in top form, so much that he can eschew the conventional page layout demands without a busy or weighty feel… but more on that later. Despite some questionable statements from Lana i.e. her training Superman with the use of his powers, Superman having headaches when first flying, Superwoman somehow breaking the glass ceiling for the “S” shield, which ignores not only history, but Supergirl, the issue is a well-wrought tale, with the characterization applied to Lana being reminiscent of buddy-cop films, and their friendly/adversarial rivalry that dates back to the Silver Age… though Betty and Veronica readers may say differently.


The complications that arise present enough story potential for the next few months, with is a good sign that the series has been thought out for the long haul, and not merely to capitalize on the zeitgeist resounding for the nonce. While it’s obvious that the storyline borrows from the venerable Superman Red/Superman Blue crafted in the Silver Age, and the Reign of the Supermen storyline of the Modern Age, it will be intriguing to see what Jimenez can add to the legacy of such an influential imaginary story.


4Art – 4: School’s in! Look at those panels. Count ’em! Jimenez overloads the page with boxes and it’s barely noticeable because, like the master craftsman he is, he makes so visually appealing. Nothing is lost or sacrificed for the story, but what another artist would have needed four pages for, Jimenez can do in one. Good show.

4Cover Art – 4: Busy, is the worst offense here, but it’s a top cover nonetheless.

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Adam Dechanel
August 17, 2016 6:09 pm

Great review! I adore that variant cover!

August 17, 2016 7:08 pm

I had a significant issue with this issue. It has more to do with a wider context than the story in isolation though. A bugbear of mine over the years is the way certain types of characters get treated as disposable – as if their lives and deaths don’t really matter. Charcters such as robots, clones, duplicates etc. When they killed off New 52 Superman I was OK with it because we still had New 52 Lois. To me New 52 Lois was the embodiment of the idea that New 52 Superman was real and mattered and could carry on… Read more »

August 18, 2016 10:24 am
Reply to  andramus

I like your time remnant theory. My personal theory was that the New 52 Lois & Clark were creation by Ozymandius while the “real” Lois & Clark” had been preserved from the time stream changes because of Convergence. Which really didn’t explain the rest of the convergence characters. But if they are time remnants then this would help no make more plot holes. I still think that the New 52 Lois & CLark time is done. The human Clark Kent Will also die in that way soon as soon as the whole world believes that he isn’t Superman so that… Read more »

August 18, 2016 6:03 am

Loved it. Minor issues here and there that T.A. pointed out, but overall, really fun read. Didn’t see the twist in the end coming, even though I probably should’ve. After the fairly disappointing “New Super-Man” I was kind of skeptical, but at least the first issue delivered.

August 18, 2016 11:17 am

So happy to see that the books have improved story wise so remarkably, I just wish the sales reflected that

August 18, 2016 9:24 pm

I was surprised at how much I liked this issue. So much happened, but the pace and timing of events flowed nicely. I was genuinely intrigued in the story/characters and the ending left me asking questions, but more importantly, left me wanting more.

August 19, 2016 6:58 am

“I was genuinely intrigued in the story/characters and the ending left me asking questions, but more importantly, left me wanting more.”

Which is all I ever ask from any comic.

August 19, 2016 1:00 pm

Yea, but it feels like most of the time this isn’t the case.

August 22, 2016 12:08 pm

Great issue. Can’t wait to read issue 2. I wasn’t expecting the red/blue reinterpretation, but I like it so far.

September 11, 2016 7:08 am

I thought this was a great issue upon first read. Then I thought about it: I bought this book because it was billed as a book featuring Lois Lane. Lois is dead before the end of the book. She’s been marginalized and misused the entirety of the New52, and the do it again and kill her. This will be a book I won’t be reading as I refuse to buy a book with Lana as the main character.