2018 Movie News Archives

July 10, 2018: Henry Cavill Explains Why Superman Killed Zod in "Man of Steel"

It's been five years since "Man of Steel" hit the big screen, yet Henry Cavill is still answering questions about the film, with a new interview from SquareMile.com asking the "Mission Impossible: Fallout" star about the need for his Superman to have killed General Zod.

"The killing of Zod would have led to a wonderful reason why Superman never kills," explains Cavill. "Not, he never kills just because his dad said so one day. He made the decision himself because of an impossible scenario, to which he then said, 'I don't care if it's impossible again, I'm gonna find a way to make it possible in the impossible."

Ultimately Henry would have liked to have seen this expanded upon in further films...
"We didn't get the opportunity to show the other side of it, the 'I'm ready to be Superman now and I'm ready to show the world the best examples'. That's where the joy and glee comes from, and that sense of warmth from the character, which is his real superpower ­ he makes people believe in themselves. It was a shame because it would've been nice, and it would have been a lovely coupling with the seriousness and the depth of Man of Steel."

"There's an opportunity to keep on telling Superman stories, and getting them exactly right. Showing the things like hope and joy and that wonderful power of his to make people believe in themselves."

Source: SquareMile.com

2018 Movie News

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“Justice League” Movie News: “Death of Superman”/≴Reign of the Supermen≵ Animated Movie News: Christopher Reeve Movie News: Other Movie News:

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