2017 Comic Book News Archives

April 26, 2017: Dan Jurgens Clears Up Superman's Mixed Reality

The "Superman Reborn" story saw the Man of Steel emerge with a new reality, a reality merging aspects of the New 52 Superman and the pre-Flashpoint Superman into one. Is this Superman a new version or a blend of both?

"In a way, the answer would be, 'All of the above,'" Jurgens told Newsarama.com. "I think of him as a new person. There are adventures in his past we haven't seen. Yet we selected some of the best possible aspects of his past to include, selecting from both the 'New 52' Superman and pre-Flashpoint Superman, to make everything work. And, yes, to make that work right, we discarded some elements as well."

"Superman's past was messed with for a period of time," Jurgens explains. "During that time, he was separated in two, living two distinctly different lives as two distinctly different characters. During 'Reborn,' those timelines were merged and rebuilt as one. There was essentially one Superman and one Lois. As for how and why his past was altered, that's a story that will unfold down the road."

"This is definitive," states Jurgens. "By the time people have read Action Comics #977 and #978, they'll have a much better understanding of Superman and Lois' history and how Jon fit into it. It's "classic" at its core but still accommodates the need for our new reality."

Read the complete interview at Newsarama.com.

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