Superman on Television

Smallville: Episode Reviews

Season 8 - Episode 22: "Doomsday"



Reviewed by: Douglas Trumble

Super Short Run on Sentence Summary: Cosmic Boy tells Clark he's going to die, Black Canary and Impulse track down the beast, Lois and Tess have a chick fight which ends up with Lois time traveling, Chloe splits Davis from Doomsday who ends up killing Jimmy, and during all that there is about two minutes where the Red-Blue Blur throws down with Doomsday.

The wife, boy wonder, and myself were on the couch ready for a wild ride. We had popcorn, pop, and our Red-Blue Blur foam #1 fingers ready.

The fight of the Century was on. No pay-per-view needed.

They had been building towards this for a long time.

All season.

Doomsday is coming!


Clark is there. Clark is the hero.

Clark is Superman.

Doomsday is coming and Clark is there ready.

Clark was planning for Doomsday. He had a good plan. A non-murder plan. The Arrow didn't like that plan but Clark didn't care what the rich boy in green leather wanted. Murder is not how the Red-Blue Blur rolls.

He had his magic rock to split the beast from the human and he found some place to cage the beast.

A good plan. Smart plan.

No killing of sentient being needed to be done when he put that (insert word for female dog here) in to the ground.

The Canary and Kid Flash were on the scene to back up the plan. Sure the Arrow was pouting when everyone ignored him saying "Redrum! Redrum!" over and over but that is how it should be.

Clark was told he would die but he didn't even blink. Superman just doesn't blink at that.

Doomsday was coming and Clark was there. Clark was ready.

The only thing he did was to just take a little bit of time for the Blur to say goodbye to his woman and the world which is just how the hero thing should be done.

Chloe splits the beast. The beast tears into Metropolis. Clark speeds to the rescue, catches a car.

The beast has a little girl and is about to squish.

The boy and I fist bump. "Oh yeah. It's on."

Everything was set up and ready for awesome Superman epicness on a scale never EVER seen on TV.

I was ready.

There is a blur. Smack Smack. Clark goes crashing through some buildings. He grabs the beast.

Another blur...

a big explosion and...

it's done... Over...

The boy and I look at each other shocked. "That's it? No way!"

The wife just shrugs.

I look at the clock. Wait. There is still like 15 minutes left. Oh it's not over yet. The creature might crawl back out of the ground... We were ready for more.

We waited...

Then Davis Kills Jimmy... Sad but not totally unexpected.

We waited more...

There is a funeral. The Legion is there... Wait... What? The battle is over?

Clark shows up after but is kind of a jerk... Huh?

Zod comes out of the Magic Orb naked and the season ends.

That's it?

Talk about disappointing.

Doomsday is coming? Yeah. So what? Like I care.

I mean Clark took that punk down in like 2 minutes. If even that. That's it? That's the big bad that's been coming all season? Titan, Bizzaro, heck even the plant lady put up more of a fight. In this episode alone the Tess and Lois fight lasted longer.

Are you kidding me?

Sure there is something cool that can be said about that. He is Superman. But then why all the build up? Why all the tension and worry about this thing killing Clark and killing everything else when Clark can take it down so fast? Why all this talk about murdering Davis to stop the beast? (The Arrow never did learn that part of his plan was impossible anyway). What was the point of being so scared of Doomsday when the Blur took it out in two minutes?

Sure the beast did some squishing before the Blur took it down but that was only because the dumb (insert word for backside here) Justice League thought it was smart to take Clark out before the fight. (They can't be that stupid).

Had Clark been there instead of laying on the ground in Edge city when the creature split off from Davis then the fight likely would have not left the building. Sorry, but that is just not Doomsday.

I am not one to usually go "But in the comics..." except this time there is a point to looking at the comics.

When Doomsday first came out in the comics he took out the Justice League with one hand LITERALLY tied behind his back. Clark fought him from Ohio to New York State and then into the mountains and then back to Metropolis. Towns were destroyed. Parts of the Earth were moved. The Earth shook. People died. Superman hit the creature with everything he had and then hit it with more and even that was barely enough to take it down.

It was not some minor thing. This was epic. This was the battle royal of the century. IT IS NOT SOMETHING THAT SHOULD HAVE ONLY TOOK TWO MINUTES OF SCREEN TIME TO COMPLETE.

Heck on Smallville when Brain-I.A.C. turned off the power it caused more damage to Metropolis then Doomsday did.

Having no Cable or internet causes more damage to the city than a Kryptonian death monster?


Don't tell me it's a budget thing. I get the show is on a tight budget. There is so much more they could have done with this fight. So much more. Even with just using sound effects, a shaky cam, and Tom Welling trading punches with the guy in the rubber suit for a minute or two could have added more to the battle.

If they needed more money for the effects then we certainly could have done without the opening shots of Cosmic boy flying over the city. That might have saved some cash for the big battle. Cosmic boy is cool but we're here to see Clark... Not him.

I'd also trade every minute of screen time of Lana using Superpowers for just another second of Clark vs Doomsday. Heck take those entire two episodes back and use that money for just two more minutes of the battle and I'd be fine.

It's all about choices. You have X number of dollars, what do you spend it on? What do your fans want to see? It's a show about Superman. People are watching it for Superman. I get that this Superman is different. This Superman doesn't wear the classic costume. This Superman doesn't wear the glasses as Clark. This Superman isn't as emotionally centered or confident.

Yet it is still Superman and Doomsday was supposedly coming. There is a certain expectation that comes with that. That should have been the big final and the biggest battle on the show so far.

When you build up the greatest showdown in Superman history on your Superman show you dang well better deliver a little more than a few punches and a super leap to finish it off.

Sure the two minutes were cool don't get me wrong. I liked what was there. Clark catching the car was cool and his super leap to take the monster away was awesome but there should have been more.

A lot more.


Oh but only if it was just the lack of a big brawl that bothered me. I can live with a little less violence if the aftermath is done right but that is where this episode really fell on its face.

Do they show me Superman standing tall at the end of the fight? No. Not even close. Something else besides Superman crawled out of that hole.

They bring Clark right back afterwards acting like a jerk, blowing off his best friend at her husband's funeral, and spouting the Oliver Doctrine of Superheroing. Supposedly he didn't even tell everyone he made it out of the hole.


Then to make it worse they played the whole thing off like Clark should have killed Davis. What?

I'm ok that Davis was still a killer. Don't get me wrong on that. I knew he was bad to the bone since Davis really was nothing more than just Doomsday's camo. I still think Clark needed to try and save Davis because that is just how you do Superman.

They need to write their stories to show that Superman is doing the right thing when he chooses not to murder and kill.

What did Clark prove in this episode? Everyone including Clark himself now thinks they should have killed Davis. Everyone except Chloe that is (the one person who has a right to).

Why? Just so they can have a conflicted Superman going into Season 9? That's a bunch of (insert word for excrement here). You don't need to take 10 steps back with the character just to have another season.

You want to have Superman? Then have Superman standing tall. You have him standing tall in spite of the horror.

Okay, Davis killed Jimmy and yes if Clark had killed Davis instead of separating him then that might not have happened but they need to show that differently on a show about Superman. They need to show that Jimmy's death wasn't because of Clark's failure to kill. They need to show Jimmy died to keep Clark from becoming a killer which is a whole different way to put it.

They need to show that Clark doesn't save villains for the villain's sake. He saves them for his own sake. For the world's sake because when Superheroes become killers, no one wins. They need to show that. What they shouldn't do is make Clark look like he is responsible for Jimmy's death due to his inaction which they did and now I am mad.

Ok. breath.


How are you?

I just hope to God Clark is still buried in that hole with Doomsday and this thing that was in the watchtower with Chloe is some kind of twist on the Eradicator or maybe Bizzaro come back to town because otherwise I am going to be upset.

I know.

Long rant.


Anyway. Moving on...

There were a few shiny spots in this episode despite my disappointment.

It was great to see Cosmic Boy again and with Lois' pulling a Marty McFly at the halfway point there is a high probability we will see him and more of the Legion again next season which is cool. I think that is an interesting twist. Will Lois learn she is to be the wife of the Superhero she is crushing on now? I wonder how she will take that?

I did really like the fact that Clark took time for the Blur to talk to Lois before going off to face Doomsday. I am really looking forward to more of those phone calls next season. That whole little scenario they have going between Lois and the Blur is pretty cool. It is honestly the best thing to come out of this season. I like how they are using the phone booth as part of that growing love story. Phone booths have always been apart of the imagery associated with Superman and to tie that imagery into the growing love between Superman and his future wife is pretty gosh darn cool.

I liked the fact they set Chloe up in a literal Watchtower at the end. Sure I think it is beyond unbelievable that Jimmy could afford to buy a property that overlooked the entire city of Metropolis no matter how much of a fixer upper it was. Yet the results of that leap of logic are pretty cool so I can forgive it. I am looking forward to what they do with the new set next season. I foresee an Oracle like set up with the new JLA headquarters. They just should have had that be Oliver's gift... not Jimmy's. It would have been more believable that way.

I'm glad Chloe is still around. They did a lot to her this season. Some things I didn't like and while I might not like how everything wrapped up I am glad it was not the character's end. There is more to the Watchtower's story and I'm looking forward to seeing how she grows as a Justice League member (assuming they are able to re-form the League next season that is... but I am sure they will).

Jimmy's death was shocking but you have to admit that was the point. Plus they did manage to kill off a major character from the mythos without actually changing the mythos so you have to give them credit for that. So Jimmy wasn't the Jimmy we thought he was. Okay I can live with that. Sure I have some questions about Jimmy's family that will likely never be answered but since this is a show about Clark Kent and not Jimmy Olsen I am not going to lose sleep over it. Maybe they will get back to it.. Maybe they won't. Not the best character arc but at least they didn't end it with him going through Nerd Power Superhero training, getting superpowers, and then absorbing kryptonite so he had to leave town. It also removes the complaint that Jimmy was too old to be the Jimmy Olsen we knew from other versions of the character. (Not a complaint I had, mind you, but one I've heard many times).

Zod at the end? Cool in a way but how exactly did he come out of the Magic Kryptonite Orb? My brain is going "WTF" but that was obviously something that is going to be covered next season so I am not going to judge it right now. It looked like Sam Witwer's naked body to me. Is he the one who will be playing Zod next season? I guess Davis was Zod's "son" and Sam Witwer is a good actor so I am cool with that.

So anyway. Really disappointed in this season final. They really dropped the ball on a lot of things. Some bright spots but nothing that can overcome the down sides.

I am going to give it a 2 out of 5.

So that's it. The season final of Season 8. We have Season 9 on the way and some folks are even talking about Season 10. Nothing wrong with more Smallville.

Looking at the season as a whole it was a mixed bag for me.

I loved what they did with Clark. Having him at the Daily Planet being a proactive hero and building his relationship with Lois was fantastic. The chemistry between the actors is undeniable and the show is at its best when those two are playing off of each other. This lead to some great moments. Some of the best of the series to be honest.

Clark's attitude was also fantastic this season. He was the hero. He wanted to be the hero. He went out of his way to be the hero.

They were really clicking on Clark Kent and Lois Lane. Some of the plots where iffy but when they focused on those two they rarely did it wrong.

I think the Green Arrow in the main cast and the whole superhero team idea was way under used. A miss opportunity they can rectify next season hopefully so I am not too harsh about that.

Tess taking over for Lex was pretty good but it is an obvious step back from Lex Luthor. Hopefully Zod will bring things up a notch on the villain side of things next season. Tess is a good villain and well played by Cassidy Freeman but Tess is not a threat level red kind of villain if you know what I mean. For Superman that means Lex Luthor, Zod, Doomsday, or Darkseid. Not Miss Tessmacher/Mercy.

The Doomsday story was well done up to the end. All build up with no payoff. The Injustice gang was a flop. One random episode tease early on and then a belly flop at the end. Disappointing on both accounts.

Still. Clark became a Pre-Superman. He's known to the world and is developing his dual identities. He and Lois are beginning their flirtations in a clever way, and only a few episodes were terrible even if some didn't fully meet their potential. I'd call the season a partial success that just didn't finish as strong as it started. I am looking forward to what they can do next season.

So I will be back next year with reviews of Season 9.

Until then have a great Summer (or winter for you southern hemisphere folks) and I will chat with you all in the Fall/Spring.




Reviewed by: Neal Bailey


  • Ollie wants to kill Doomie. Scotty don't! Er, Clark doesn't.
  • Clark and Doomsday fight, and explode. Clark says, "I survived somehow!"
  • Jimmy and Davis die. Turns out Jimmy wasn't really Jimmy. Whoops!
  • Clark has decided that Clark is dead.
  • Zod is free from the sphere thing despite being in the Phantom Zone.


    "I have altered the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further!"
    (Darth Vader)

    I have determined this phrase, and this idea, to be the central thesis of Smallville. It seems a fitting way to declare my independence from the concept and review my last episode in what I call the "evolved" style, something I created over the course of the last five long years, which is longer than the show was initially supposed to run.

    Smallville promised us the princess would be safe. Then they came in and froze Han, chopped off Luke's hand, and told us that we should be happy for what we have.

    Two days ago, I decided to stop analyzing Smallville. I realized that twenty-two days a year is four work weeks. One month. Last month, I wrote a book in three weeks.

    I said to myself, before I made the decision, "Neal, you promised. You PROMISED, that you would finish reviewing the show. You swore."

    I got emails, last time I suggested this notion, saying, paraphrased, that if I quit, they would understand, but that the review was a good and beloved part of life. I agree. I love it too. It's an old steady. But sometimes we have to break away from an old steady in order to find the new steady with perkier breasts and a nice diction.

    I have altered the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further. Why? Because Smallville did.

    I promised to review Smallville. Smallville is no longer Smallville any more. It is, at best, a bastardized and manipulated attempt to put a hand in the pocket of fanboys the world around, and like the new Star Trek movie, it's a smashing success for it. When I am asked the question, "How long do you think Smallville will run?" my answer has always been, "Until the money runs out." But now the answer is different. My answer is now, "Smallville is over."

    Smallville started out as a story of young Clark growing into Superman.

    Now Clark is 22. He has no degree. He's fought every major villain in his mythos before he ever put the suit on. He's nearly in a relationship with Lois. He's not wearing glasses. He's still pondering killing people. He's not flying, five years after he should have been.

    Martha Kent is not in his life despite being alive. Lana Lang is running around with superpowers. Lex Luthor is... dead? Jimmy is dead. Oliver Queen is a murderer.

    This is so far into Elseworlds sans purpose that it has officially ceased to be a relative myth with the death of Jimmy Olsen. Er, Henry James Olsen.

    Yes, I saw the kid at the funeral. Not the point. You don't introduce a three year character arc only to have said character be fanw@nk. The backlash for this is righteous. It was crap.

    I believe Jimmy was the straw, though I admit I made the decision before I saw the show.

    The goal of good drama, the goal of a strong piece of work, which I hope this review has become, is to take a conflict, in this case my adversarial admiration of an attempt to understand Superman for a modern audience, and make it compelling. The goal of a good review, in my opinion, is an analytical take from a writer's perspective on what makes a show good or bad for the person in question. I think many reviews fall short because the writers are not creators themselves, and for that, I hope I have done you all well. If not, caveat emptor.

    To that end, say goodbye to the Smallville reviews.

    And say hello to them again.

    I think it fitting that I draw back to where the reviews started, so starting next year, I'm going to stop using notes of any kind. This will make the reviews far shorter, the analysis less biting, the time commitment fully 1/4 what it was before.

    But why, you say? Didn't you say the review was stopping? No. As Smallville doesn't know, the devil is in the details. I said I was stopping analysis. I just did to you what I wish this show would do. I created a tangible conflict, I emphasized it with details of the characters and situations you know and love from this series of interactions we call a review, and then I gave you an action which resolved the conflict with all of the characters changed for the better.

    Writing 101.

    I will have my time now. I will have no stress about catching every sway and nuance of the plot. I will give a curt and short review of the show that will probably take me all of half an hour to write. I will not sacrifice my honesty or, I hope, my strength of comprehension, but I'll be damned if I will give another episode of this show the 6-8 hours one of these reviews typically takes.

    I might goof around. Do a video review. I'm not sure. But I've reached a point in my life where it's time for me to start moving into my own creations full time. I will openly admit I used this forum, where I could get away with typos, mistakes, and honesty, and found my ground for meeting my readership and understanding what is entertaining and what is crap for my target demographic. But it's more than that. You people have become my friends and family and steady-travellers, so I don't make this change with a light heart or casually.

    With the success of my first four comic books, with an agent at long last, and with a series character in a novel I believe saleable, it's time for me to put away my twenties and begin to get to the meat of my career.

    I started this review eight years ago. Eight years. When I wrote the first one, I had written about seven hundred poems. Now I have two thousand. When I started, I had written two novels. Now I have seven. I was in my second year of college. Now I've been away for six years, and in the process been a construction worker, a caregiver, and now finally, a paid writing professional. The review has been like a temporal constant.

    I've endured hate mail, love letters, I traveled the globe and I sacrificed a paying job to get these things out and orderly. I got to meet Michael Rosenbaum in a room with George Takei eating a sandwich. Sulu! Holy crap.

    But the long and the short of it is that I just can't be drawn to care about inconsistencies in a show that has been inconsistent for so long that it's become a parody of itself. I will now look, and wryly observe, "That was a nice punch!" or "Holy crap, he drank Kryptonite!" but I will not, for example, try and fathom motivations, make excuses, or chronicle their failures of writing any more. There have finally, at long last, been too many ones for a guy who believes in hope to take. The freaks have come home to roost.

    And that's where I am. I've gone from utter despair and loss including two houses and over sixty thousand dollars in debt for writing to bankruptcy, a clean slate, and paid gigs. I have found a mentor, an agent, a gal, a place to live, a truck, a guitar, a good dog, and I'm thinking of throwing out my comics and buying a nice couch. There's a quote from Richard III that covers it nicely, as recommended to me by a good friend.

    Richard has conspired to destroy everything good in his world, just for the hell of it. He's a wretch, a deformed man, an about ten millionth in line for the throne. His first action thereby is to seduce a lady he cares nothing for. She makes a wise observation when, after rebuffing him multiple times, he turns to her and says, "Shall I live in hope?"

    She replies, "All men, I hope, live so."

    I feel like Richard. I feel like I've gotten this ugly little side of me and let him out for a time, because I can, and because this show deserves the wagging finger. But I feel that if I continue, it'll destroy the kingdom and just leave me without a horse, no matter how much can be gained by the intellect of the endeavor. My motives not sinister, but that's not the point. The point is that when you have a beautiful woman in front of you, as I see writing to be, you don't focus your attention on destruction and analysis of flaw in your enemies (bad writing), you instead turn to the things you wish to be with until you die (good writing). You saddle up the horse that will stay with you, and you f#%$ing well live in hope.

    We live in hope.

    The eight years were a time where I felt I had to push against things. With Bush, who I believe I have stated here I am not fond of, I had an overwhelming feeling that no art and no world was for me, that I was a stranger in a strange land. Now I have some faith I before lacked, and it reflects in everything. I see the things in front of me that deserve assault more clearly in an optimistic world, and I have decided that Smallville is not the hill I want to die on any more. I'll have fun with it, but it won't be the same. You'll see what I mean next year, hopefully with my new book in your hands.

    I want to, with a grin, die on the hill of my own fiction and comic stories. Maybe a few songs. Definitely bad poetry.

    So my friends, my long time travelers, I'm going off of the note kick into a much slighter review after my words below. This will be the last novel-length review you will see from me, but hopefully not the last novel review, if you please.

    You will not hear anything more about my personal life unless you write me a letter, I will not seek to relate through Gonzo prose in this column, not because I don't like it, but because the time has passed with a small revolver, a bullet, a cresting wave, and time. Things fall apart. It's scientific. Don't be sad or angry. We're all still here. Even Jimmy Olsen. Boo.

    Here's a good song, and then we'll get on with the last show before I turn out the lights on what once was, here. I imagine many of you will probably depart because of this, so I figure this is a good and hopefully kind way to say thank you and goodbye to those of you who won't read without the big fancy show. If you want to follow me into the books, I'll still fly to see you, but this'll probably be my last longform review piece on Superman.

    Live in hope. I'll see you guys in the pit.


    Ah, Metropolis harbor, in Kansas. How I love those water masses in the center of the country.

    Rokk asks Clark to meet him on top of the Daily Planet, and why? Well, because it's COOL, dad. Why else? He hands Clark a replacement Legion ring, and completely convolutes the plot with time travel paradox dumbness for seemingly no real reason beyond a guest appearance by the Legion. Grandiose.

    Paradox one: He says that Clark dies because Chloe survives. He survives.

    Paradox two: If Clark dies in the new future, why has Rokk not changed? Why is there a Legion?

    Dumb factor three: The Legion has the power to travel through time and transport people who put on a ring, and yet they cannot travel to where Doomsday will be at any point and teleport him to the future.

    Dumb factor four: Nothing is stopping them from going back in time and cutting off Davis' head or stopping Zod in a portal to Krypton that existed in the past according to this continuity.

    WTF factor five: Why doesn't Rokk tell Clark where Chloe is?

    WTF factor six: Why can Doomsday be better handled in the future?

    Why do they meet on top of the Planet? Why not a quiet, secluded, not visible place?

    The music for the scene is way too intense. Quite literally, the whole show tried to make up for the lack of a major conflict by making it seem like one was occurring in the music. It drew me out, particularly in the Legion scene.

    By the end of this episode, Chloe's basically a virgin again. At the beginning of the episode, she's sitting on a hood with a fifty time serial killer talking about Demeter and Persephone. She's making doe eyes.

    Later they try and pass it off as her trying to save Clark from Davis. This is crap.

    Tess runs into her safe. The orb is gone! Oh no! What orb? What the hell is this orb? When did it become important outside of the end of last episode, and where did she find it? I remember there was a communications device earlier in the season Chloe as Brainiac messed with.

    It releases Zod? Zod was put in the Phantom Zone, was he not? What does that have to do with Kandor? All of this doesn't seem intriguing, it seems like the writers threw out the words "Kandor," "Zod," and "Orb" in an attempt to draw our attention. Smallville is not encumbered by logic. If they want something to happen, they just do it. Case in point, Zod. Case in point, Jimmy.

    Case in point, Lois sniping at Clark for Chloe being missing and him not searching for her despite no real reason to be mad at him, seeing as she's just standing in the same place. Concocting drama from nothing for the sake of nothing. Tragic.

    And then, to put a cherry on it, it culminates as a conflict in Clark magically whisking away right in front of her (without her noticing at all) and calling her on the phone for a protracted shipper scene.

    The scene worked after the initial hiccup, which makes me wonder why they did it in the first place. I imagine they're trying to make it seem like there's a difference between Clark and the red-blue blur and how Lois will see it. But it fails, given that Clark has offered her no reason to be mad at him.

    Clark's letter, if you pause and read it, is actually quite well written and poignant.

    Clark calls in the JLA to handle Doomsday. But why, I wonder, having seen the episode. They quite literally do NOTHING in the episode at all. The only one who does anything is Ollie, who shoots Clark with a dart. Otherwise, they're there to get hit by Doomsday, and to press a button off camera. Why?

    Bart takes the black K out two feet from Clark and Clark doesn't split into two people. Were they even trying?

    Here, Ollie flirts with something that makes sense. He says that releasing Doomsday sans Davis is a BAD THING. Davis tempers the monster. But then, you realize that Davis chose to kill people before he chose to kill himself, and that he unleashed the monster on people. Both Doomsday and Davis deserve the Phantom Zone at BEST.

    Clark turns to Ollie and kicks him out of the Justice League, despite not being a member himself. Clark says, "You're not one of us any more!" And yet, Clark is not one of them either, because he refuses to become a hero. That's so Superman!

    Beyond that, Ollie funds everything. Clark didn't really think that one through, did he?

    Jimmy (excuse me, HENRY) and Lois sneak into Tess' office and bump into each other because they're trying to find Chloe. It's supposed to be a funny moment until you realize that there's absolutely no reason at all that Lois OR Jimmy would think Tess would have anything at all to do with knowing where Chloe and Davis are.

    And yet they open the computer, stick in the flash drive, and BAM! GPS locator for both. How? Who cares! It's Smallville! She embedded it in their skin as they arrived in the ship during the meteor shower. Veritas! Look! A rabbit!

    Such an abysmal example of a lacking A to B.

    Speaking of which, Jimmy's doing pretty well for a guy who just kicked the junk two weeks ago.

    So... Kandor can't be unleashed until the beast is killed? Zod can't be unleashed until the beast is killed? Why? Why are either contingent or related to the other? Because the writers say so, that's why!

    Black Canary emails Clark with a voice entry about the GPS, and he knows where they are. Because the Justice League is so bright, they send a RADIO PERSONALITY'S VOICE, labeled BLACK CANARY, and put it on a corporate news entity's server.


    Clark is hit with a K dart by Ollie, and we learn that Kryptonite doesn't kill Superman, it just tranquilizes him for a bit harmlessly. Of course! Except when it's convenient.

    The Justice League thereby become folks who harbor a murderer, working with Ollie, and also, having left Clark with K in his bloodstream, have become accessories to attempted murder, given that K KILLS CLARK. Now the other two League members are bankrupt for me. Grand. At least Cyborg is still a good guy. But knowing the show, in the premiere he'll show up as a white guy named Mechano.

    And I might add, the scene is much more effective with an ad for "Hitched or Ditched!" on the bottom of the screen. It really just makes me tingle, how much they care for the overall feeling of a scene enough to interrupt it with a giant green ad that covers half the screen in a show that already is fully a third ads.

    "Sorry, Clark!" they say. "We couldn't risk losing you!" Because it's so much better that Clark lives, but the world is murdered by Doomsday. Or worse, they think they can somehow stop Doomsday better with fewer powers.

    Or hey, maybe they could consider working together to stop the monster. But they can't, because one's a murderer, and they are all at odds with each other. That's so Justice League!

    Tess confronts Lois for taking the orb. Despite the fact that there's absolutely no reason to suspect Lois took the orb. Tess just states it, it is, and then she starts to try and murder Lois.

    Ayuh. No, that's not a stupid excuse for a sucky catfight when Tess would more than likely (and has) draw a gun and demand the orb.

    Lois knocks Tess out, barely, and in one of the strangest examples of random stupidity the show has seen, sees a ring that's been knocked free by her fight. What does she do? That's right, she puts it on. Because checking Tess' pulse is secondary to a shiny thing she finds on the ground. Or calling the police. Or checking herself for injury. Not FIVE SECONDS pass between the end of the fight and her finding and putting on the ring.

    It was like, "Oh! Look! I need a plot device!" VOOOOOP! Poit!

    Chloe is now incapacitated along with Doomsday, because they've been superspeed tranquilized off-camera. I guess a guy who can't be killed can somehow be, uh, sedated.

    The Justice League beat Clark there after Clark has the GPS information, despite the fact that they're in Edge City. Yeah, that's not a gaping plot hole.

    Flash and Black Canary glibly become accessories to another attempted murder, that of Doomsday/Davis. I'm wondering what the plan was. Yeah, guys! Let's split the two, and then we three people who are completely vulnerable and in no way invincible will kill Doomsday with arrows and a high pitched scream!


    The transformer bow was neat. I'll give them that.

    Why did they wait to Black K him? For that matter, why didn't they just kill him if that's what they felt justified?

    At this point it occurs to me that they use Kryptonite on Davis, and it works, despite him having adapted to Kryptonite.


    Jimmy, the FIRST person to find the info, even before Clark, arrives last.

    Jimmy then sees Clark heal, learns the secret, and my next note is: "Jimmy is death one."













    Someday, we will have a directive, that is prime... that prime directive, a way of saying we shouldn't interact with pre-warp peoples! Anyone remember that argument? At least Enterprise had the good grace to die.

    Jimmy got Chloe a wedding gift of a loft in the highest part of Metropolis. Because photographers who junkie out and get fired can make regular mortgage payments. Oh, wait. Normal folks who work hard can't even make mortgage payments on crapboxes. But they wanted to shoehorn in a new Watchtower set, and Jimmy has to die, so let's make him a saint ex post facto, because he can't go out on a junkie note! What would the shippers say?

    So here we go. The Doomsday fight. The thing we watched the whole season for, basically, because hardly anything else was worth a wet fart on a dry day.

    ONE TREE HILL! 90210! Another half-screen ad. It quite literally interrupts the visuals of the beginning of the fight. You miss stuff. The most intense fight scene of the show, and they throw up that ad. Why? Because they know you're watching. They just don't realize that you'll be so hacked at having the fight interrupted, you'll never watch those two shows because of it. Not that anyone should anyway.

    Clark, who has superspeed, stands and watches as a first pedestrian is injured. Superman is a d#ck.

    In the middle of the street, Clark fights Doomsday, sans costume, in front of pedestrians. Secret identity compromised. Ah, well. Not like he'll ever become Superman anyway.

    The entire fight is a car lob, two punches, a throw, and one big leap. The special effects try, but they're very rough and not particularly impressive. Ultimately, Doomsday is a guy in a suit, and a very rad suit, but there's no illusion of a fight that comes through here. Everything we see is what we imagine is happening off the screen. It's like when the Legion flew.

    The unfocussed double blow into Clark's stomach just doesn't feel like a brawl. The jump in for Doomsday is rushed, and reminds me of the Batista fight.

    They land, and the factory EXPLODES! Exciting, except, you know, it would have been neat to see the whole burial underground they described instead of just having it happen off camera. You could have spent the money you spent on that transformer bow on that.

    Jimmy forgives Chloe. Everyone seems to forgive Chloe. She's responsible for that pedestrian Doomsday threw though a window, Jimmy's death, Davis' death, and the deaths of all the people Clark couldn't save in that factory he later laments for half a sentence before getting over it.

    But hey, Shippy ship ship ship! Chloe and Jimmy, despite having no real catalyst to love each other again, love each other again. Well, there is the building Jimmy bought.

    Nothing says "I forgive you for being a psychotic junkie!" like a penthouse apartment you couldn't possibly afford in any coherent universe. Nothing says true love like, "Hey, I know I've been making out with a mass murderer, but you bought me something! All bets are off!"

    So Davis stabs Jimmy and kills him, and Jimmy stabs Davis and kills him. And why? Because they spent some ten episodes showing how despite Doomsday, Davis was a misunderstood guy that really deserved to live. Only he wasn't, he was a serial killer, and they knew it, and Chloe went with him anyway, and now, death.

    But see, this is all secondary to the fact that Davis has no f#$%ing way at all of knowing where Chloe and Jimmy are, unless he follows them from the scene with the entire JLA.

    I can see that scene.

    Ollie: "So, uh, I guess we kind of screwed up."

    Davis: "Can I go now?"

    Ollie: "You killed fifty people."

    Davis: "Knock knock!"

    Ollie: "Who's there?"

    Davis: "Batman!"

    Ollie: "Batman who? No, seriously, we have no idea who Batman is."

    Davis: (points behind Ollie) "Look! Over there!"

    Ollie: "Huh?" (Turns back. Davis is gone.) "Where did he go?"

    Bart: "What's a Batman?"

    Dinah: "Oh! I get it!"

    Henry James Olsen is about the biggest f#*% ^%$ this show could give us. Honestly. It truly is. It's like ending the Lex storyline as they did last year, taken up a whole notch. It's akin to having Clark wake up next season in bed with Lana and saying the last three seasons were just a bad dream. We're in a corner, we need a death, so let's kill a main cast member and just make up some bull$#%#.

    Pathetic. Insulting.

    Cut to Clark being an emo kid with Chloe. The lesson he has learned from fighting Doomsday and saving the world is that... he can't be Clark any more, because he has to lack emotion in order to save the world, and be more willing to kill.

    Yeah, that follows. As does the slo-mo walk where he fades away a la a bad rock video from 1984. Perhaps I will do the same.

    1 of 5

    No cliffhangers, no excitement, no logic, no progression. Just nothing. It felt like a bad mid-season episode.

    And with that, I am out.

    Gimme one more, Sid. (that's my version of "Play it again, Sam")


    Every year I crunch the numbers a bit, to study the show's progression. Or descent, if you will, at least so far.

    This year:

    Odyssey: 5 of 5

    Plastique: 4 of 5

    Toxic: 1 of 5

    Instinct: 1 of 5

    Committed: 1 of 5

    Prey: 4.5 of 5

    Identity: 1 of 5

    Bloodline: 4 of 5

    Abyss: 2 of 5

    Bride: 3 of 5

    Legion: 4 of 5

    Bulletproof: 1 of 5

    Power: 1 of 5

    Requiem: 1 of 5

    Infamous: 1 of 5

    Turbulence: 1 of 5

    Hex: 1 of 5

    Eternal: 1 of 5

    Stiletto: 5 of 5

    Beast: 1 of 5

    Injustice: 1.5 of 5

    Doomsday: 1 of 5

    That crunches to:

    2 X 5 of 5s

    1 X 4.5 of 5

    3 X 4 of 5s

    1 X 3 of 5

    1 X 2 of 5

    1 X 1.5 of 5

    13 X 1 of 5s


    The basic analysis shows a broad increase in the number of utterly abysmal episodes with no redeeming qualities at all. They're now more than half the episodes in a given season. In season five they were exactly half. In season six, it was a little under half. To put it in perspective, there were two thoroughly good episodes, one last year, two the year before that, and you have to go back to season four to find more than three fives.

    The average show rating is 2.09, which is actually an improvement over last season, for the first time in the show's history for me, largely, I'd imagine, driven by Stiletto and the few forays into character work. This doesn't change the high ratio of suck, however, nor does it change the fact that the average is still a below average television program.

    Bottom line, without Geoff Johns and a few incidences of scattered Lois and Clark, this season would have been mostly a total bomb.

    Season seven:

    1 x 5 of 5s
    2 x 4 of 5s
    1 x 3.5 of 5s
    1 x 3 of 5s
    1 x 2.5 of 5s
    2 x 2 of 5s
    1 x 1.5 of 5s
    8 x 1 of 5s

    (1.775 average)

    Season six:

    1 x 5 of 5s
    3 x 4.5 of 5s
    3 x 4 of 5s
    2 x 2.5 of 5s
    1 x 2 of 5
    1 x 1.5 of 5
    11 x 1 of 5s

    (2.272 average)

    Season five:

    2 x 4.5 of 5s
    5 x 4 of 5s
    1 x 3.5 of 5
    1 x 3 of 5
    4 x 2.5 of 5s
    4 x 2 of 5s
    2 x 1.5 of 5s
    3 x 1 of 5s

    (2.591 average)

    Season four:

    5 x 1 of 5s
    2 x 1.5 of 5s
    4 x 2 of 5s
    1 x 2.5 of 5
    3 x 3 of 5s
    1 x 3.5 of 5
    3 x 4 of 5s
    3 x 5 of 5s

    (2.63 average)

    Season three:

    2 x 1 of 5s
    2 x 2 of 5s
    1 x 2.5 of 5
    2 x 3 of 5s
    3 x 3.5 of 5s
    3 x 4 of 5s
    3 x 4.5 of 5s
    6 x 5 of 5s

    (3.66 average)

    Season two:

    0 x 1 of 5s,
    7 x 2 of 5s,
    1 x 3 of 5s,
    1 x 3.5 of 5
    4 x 4 of 5s,
    10 x 5 of 5s.
    1 x 6 of 5, if you count ferrets.

    (3.76 average, 3.80 if you count ferrets)

    Season one:

    6 x 5 of 5s,
    9 x 4 of 5s,
    1 x 3.5 of 5
    3 x 3 of 5s,
    2 x 2 of 5s

    (3.92 average)


    Radical Dreamer wrote:


    I hope everything's fine with you. I had been a few episodes behind on Smallville and had to marathon 5 episodes to catch up. I thought you were overly harsh on them (I've always felt that a 1 pretty much means it's unwatchable). But it's always nice when an episode like stiletto comes along. I glad you enjoyed it as much as I did.


    And on to this weeks episode, I felt there were some things done very well and some other things... not so much.

    This episode had tons of continuity.

    1) Ollie's own drug addition episode

    2) Chloe using the key and the cave to get to the fortress (nice camera zoom in on the key too)

    3) Ollie's "it's okay to kill 'monsters' policy"

    4) The black-crystal zone key

    5) and a lot of other "this season" stuff

    I was happy to see these things brought up, regardless of whether or not I agree with them happening in the first place.

    Course, my big problem was that this whole episode was hard to swallow. Chloe goes from sobbing and freaking out that like Davis' gonna go ape on her (stiletto), to pretty nearly lovey dovey. I feel as though last week's scene should been cut in order for me to buy this whole episode.

    Internal inconsistency... a constant problem for the show.

    And Ollie's refusal to enable Jimmy was great. I wish he woulda ratted jimmy out and got him into rehab but I understand that Ollie wants it to be Jimmy's decision. After all, if you go to rehab by choice, it has a much better chance of working. Of course, then he blows it at the end of the episode by hiring a druggie... Christ

    I do, though, really like the underlying problem for Clark. In the comics, Doomsday was a thing, a weapon, a monster. But in Smallville he's got his very human side. I agree, this does take killing/the phantom zone out of the equation. I hope this is all leading to Clark proving to Ollie and Cloe that "if you don't give up, there's always another way." Which is a great moral from Superman.

    Let's hope for a good last 2 episodes! And man, let's also pray for a non cliffhanger.

    ~Radical Dreamer~


    On a completely different note, I know after KC Superman left JSA you quit reviewing it, but did you quit reading? If not, what was your opinion on this final Geoff Johns story arc (with the "Black marvel Family?")

    I did not quit reading it, at least until Geoff left, and that's only for a lack of budget, not out of a lack of respect for who followed. I didn't dig the Black Marvel story as much, but that's just because in general I have a hard time relating to Shazam and company. I did LOVE the last issue with Courtney, though. I have a special love for her as a character.

    Bruce Kanin wrote (RE: Injustice):


  • *F+*. Lots of paint-by-random numbers action that added up to nothing but bad acting and raw confusion. Gets a "+" for the Star Trek movie ads.


  • Nothing.


  • The lame live-action premier of The Parasite. Yes, it was nice when he drained Clark's powers because it made me think of the Silver Age story in which something similar happened. But this Parasite looked like Jimmy Olsen on steroids.

  • Contrived-alert 1. In the opening scene, why did Clark go to see Tess? What possible use could Clark have for her? Answer: none, but the writers thought it would be cool having the two of them in a dramatic head-to-head conversation.

  • Contrived-alert 2. Oliver, as GA, happens to be wearing the Green K ring he just stole from Tess. OK, makes sense that he stole it, but why wear it? How could he have known that Clark was powerless and wouldn't be hurt by the ring? Just too convenient that he had it on when The Parasite showed up - and contrived. And it was capped by a ridiculous confrontation between Clark and Oliver in which Oliver tries remind Clark that they're on the same side (he's right) but Clark retorts with dumb lines galore.

  • I confirmed via Google that the CSI-like guy being consulted by Chloe and Clark is in fact Dr. Schlemiel Hamilton. (OK, "Emil", but this guy is one schlemiel). Dr. Hamilton is as charming as a nail on a blackboard. He regularly spouts non-clever sayings, as did Gary Cole's Mike Brady in the two Brady Bunch movies (Cole was at least funny). Plus the guy playing Schlemiel is a crappy actor, to boot. And Emil Hamilton, a LuthorCorp employee who appeared in one or two early episodes, died in one of them. How soon the writers forget.

  • Besides Schlemiel, the acting seemed particularly horrid in this episode. One could say it was rather...Plastique.

  • All the dialogue between Tess & Clark, Tess & Ollie and Ollie & Clark was lame, lame, lame!

  • LiveWire uses the expression "...too many solids...". I'm not hip, man, but something tells me that that's a cool expression, ya dig? Oh, stewardess, I speak jive.

  • Contrived-alert 3. When "Chloe" (really, the shape-shifter girl) sneaks away from Clark and Schlemiel to meet up with her buds, she remains in her "Chloe" form. One would think that she would give up that form to appear as herself in front of her pals. But she doesn't, and the only reason why that I can think of is so that the Smallville writers can continue to fool us viewers that "Chloe" is Chloe. Silly and contrived.

  • Did the Injustice Gang steal the X-Men uniforms? And if they're supposed to be full of stealthiness (like truthiness), why give them cool, black uniforms? Why not clothes like the ones I'm wearing now (flannel shirt, T-shirt underneath, blue jeans...)?

  • One scene with multiple problems: in the barn, Clark puts the Black K put in a safe place - a tool box. Why not in the Fortress? Then he has to open a hatch in the floor to make sure that the crystal is still there. Huh? X-ray vision? And then he's surprised to see Tess, standing there in the barn, above him. Huh? Super-hearing?

  • Super-confusion: what was that last scene with Tess and that glowing thing that spoke...did I hear it say "Kandor"?, forget it...


  • Plastique calls Clark a "Super-freak"!

  • At first I thought "how lame that the Parasite could understand how to use Clark's powers so quickly" but then realized that the Parasite absorbs knowledge, too, so I gave the usually dumb Smallville writers a break. For now.

  • They talked a lot about Davis in this episode - but he didn't make an appearance.

  • The Star Trek ads reminded me that I haven't seen the movie yet. OK, it just barely opened.

  • I was expecting everything in Tess's (Lex's) mansion vault to be labeled like things were in Adam West's Batcave, e.g., "Black Kryptonite", "Green Kryptonite ring", "Kryptonian vibrator", etc. Whoops...maybe not that last one.

  • Speaking of the Green K ring - it looked a lot like - Green Lantern's!


  • Mercifully, the end of the season. Not sure I can take any more of this.

    _Bruce Kanin_

    I think what you wrote summed up my own feelings nicely. Such potential for a villains vs. heroes battle royale, and instead we get royale with cheese.

    Sebastián wrote:

    Hello there Neal,

    This is the third time I write, but since the other two were separated by a year I don't expect you to remember me (I used to complain about the lack of geographycal knowledge of Smallville writers).

    Actually, I remember you, which is cool. I'm not senile yet! I don't want to go on the cart!

    This time, however, I won't write about Smallville, but about Star Trek. I would like to know if you have seen the new movie, and what are your thoughts about it. For my part I really like it, I think it's a great movie, though I left the theather kind of sad that 40 years (or 120) of beloved Trek history have been reseted. But other than that, it's awesome.

    Well, I know that Star Trek is serious business, ever since I put a post on it on my website/blog. It doesn't matter what your opinion is, people will smite you for it.

    I seem to be in the minority. I didn't really enjoy it that much. It didn't feel like a Trek movie to me. There were inconsistencies, plot holes, thin motivations, and a lot of things that just flat out fly in the face of Trek science (debris pushing through shields that are up being the most basic example.)

    I want to watch it one more time before I decide, though, in typical geek fashion. I will be posting a review/thought on my blog in the next week or two, if you're interested (

    Well, that's all for now, keep up with the great work you do, and remember that, without counting a few trolls here and there, you have a large fanbase behind you (yeah, you're a rock star, or something like that :P)

    Thanks! That's why I feel bad for the format change, but hopefully you guys will follow me into new endeavors. I'm not leaving the Homepage by a longshot, but I do want to cut this column down to a manageable time commitment.

    Sebastián (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

    P.S.: Since this topic isn't related to Smallville, I leave to you the decision of whether publish this in your review or not.

    P.P.S. I apologize for any grammatical mistake, english is not my original language.

    I say to you what I always say to my English as a second language folk... in particular the Venezuelan crew who have been so cool to me over the years... generally speaking, if you care enough to apologize, you're doing just fine, and your English makes the text messaging buffoons who populate the internet look like the Philistines they are. Rest assured, we have communicated.

    Rob wrote:


    Smallville, it seems, is treating a lot of established comicbook characters like Darth Maul in Episode One.

    Darth Maul was cool in many ways, but ultimately he was gone after only appearing in a few scenes in the film. It's a waste of potential, and that's what we have now with the show. (I've started to think they should've cut out Count Dooku and let Darth Maul stay and fill his role--so Anakin could kill him in Episode Three and have Qui-Gon's death as an impetus.)

    I mean, Livewire's gone after two minutes? The Parasite had little in common with his counterpart in other media.

    I suppose all the meteor freaks have desensitized the value of a character like Livewire. But even so...

    Agreed. It was just using the names to hook us. Cheap.

    Fortunately, Jimmy's subplot is stellar. It is 100% creative to have a character take some kind of substance that makes them act odd and a bold new idea for Smallville...oh wait. Wasn't that the idea behind the season six episode "Rage," along with about 40 others?


    I have some hope for the finale. One would think it is statistically impossible for this year's finale to get a lower rating than last year's.

    This is true, and fairly, it did not.

    Still, I'm trying to think of things Smallville would have to do to warrant a negative number from you:

    1) Clark becomes a rapist.
    2) The show transforms into a spinoff of FRIENDS with the original cast of that series.
    3) Lana comes back and becomes even more revered than the Virgin Mary is to Catholics. (Or was it like that already?) Clark leaves the series and doesn't come back, not before launching into a diatribe about how all comic book fans are losers who demand unattainable standards of quality.

    4) Jimmy is revealed to not be Jimmy, but rather Henry James Olson.

    I was going to add Clark deliberately kills a lot of people, but on some level he's done that already.

    That too.

    Are there any major ones I've missed?

    Random conjectural question: if Clark appeared in the SUIT, but it was a Joel-Schumacher-inspired nipple costume, would that be a positive or negative step?

    Depends on the context, as ever. But I'm guessing suck city.

    Anyway, I look forward to the review (as always).


    Shafi S wrote:

    Hey Neal,

    I recently watched Stiletto and Injustice, I skipped Beast. I should of skipped Injustice too. I typed three sentences just right now, and I just deleted them... I was just thinking that I can't come up with anymore insults for this show. I can't see this show succeed in my eyes anymore Neal, I know what I'm saying doesn't make any sense. Sometimes I want to write to you regarding the episode of the week, but I always have a blank head. I barely watch five episodes of this season, and three of them were good. I'm trying to write about something I no longer have a passion for... Smallville. I'm sorry to write about this, but I want to support Superman, not just in comics but in other mediums too. But its getting harder and harder.

    That's why I'm changing the format. It's really past the point of no return.

    The comics on the other hand haven't yet, Rucka is back and its holding my attention. I'm trying to get into Robinson, but I still feel like his run is little off. I'm not saying he is a bad writer, its just that I'm not clicking with.

    Rucka's got me too. I think Robinson's coming into his own as well.

    Also I wanted to ask you if you read The Flash rebirth. SPOILER...sorry if I ruin it for you, please forgive me, but Johns changed another characters back history. In my opinion not for the better, The second flash in my eyes was always the do the right thing all the time guy (which he still is) but he didn't have any past tragedies...that compel him to heroics.

    As much as I love Johns and his original Flash run, Rebirth just doesn't have me yet. I just can't see a reason for Barry to return yet.

    I love Batman and Spider-man, those conflicts define what they are as heroes, and I love Superman for not having them (technically) because his adoptive parents just raised him right and told him to do the right thing. The Flash was the same except he had both of his real parents telling him whats right and wrong. Now...his mother is murdered and his father is in jail...what??? Now we got another hero with emotional baggage. I know these characters are not real and just comic heroes...but what about a average person male or female just believing he or she should do the right thing without the past tragedies to define what they are. Its just me. Sorry for dragging the point.

    No worries. Honestly, I'm not very familiar with Barry beyond his screaming death.

    Well the finale is here...thanks for the reviews for this season Neal, I would have stopped watching if it wasn't for your reviews...I don't know if thats a good thing or not, just kidding. But anyway, thanks for reading and have a great summer. You deserve it.

    Thanks. I think we share the same conflicted feelings. Hopefully I can keep you around for the new experiment.


    JB wrote:

    Hey Neal-

    I'm a new reader of your reviews, but I was drawn in by the recent ones and as a result went back and read (almost) all of the old ones that I'd missed. It seems we tend to see eye-to-eye on many issues, although I have significantly less of the background in Superman comics so I don't always notice when, for example, a character is acting differently than their comics-counterpart. First off, for what it's worth, I want to thank you for doing these reviews, as you've indicated that it has annoying, thankless times. Your work is something of an inspiration, especially since I once wanted to be an author.

    Thanks! What stopped you?

    In reviewing episodes, I notice that you've made very few errors along the way, and thus we come to the most recent episode, "Injustice." I'm pretty sure that Clark's S-shield was destroyed by Bizarro in "Phantom," and that the fortress is still black (thanks to Brainiac? It's not clear) and thus Jor-El is inaccessible (it seems? He's been pretty MIA lately, and you'd think he'd have something to say about his son bringing Davis over for a play-date). Further, you accuse Clark of being on board with killing Davis near the beginning, although it's made clear he was telling Oliver that in order to manipulate him with his murderous appetite. I don't know if you didn't go back to that later simply because it wasn't in your notes, or because you didn't notice, so that's why I noted it here. Forgive me if I misunderstood your sarcasm.

    No, you're right. I just honestly haven't been captivated enough to see those details. I blame the show for that, not my memory, because all joking aside, I remember a lot of dumb crap.

    I agree with mostly everything else though, and have for a while (with the exception of the glowing "Stiletto" review). It's sad to see how the characters have become/been unrecognizable: Oliver is a villainous jerk, Chloe's a deluded, desperate shell, Lois is Smallville's Lois, and Jimmy is a junkie. How very...Toyman.


    In order to avoid rambling I'll stop here, as that's really all I had to say; thanks again! Looking forward to the season finale and associated review!



    Bruce Kanin wrote:

    Re: "Injustice"

    Neal, there was so much wrong with this episode. I'm amazed that you had the heart to give it anything above zero. And at the end, when LuthorCorp Tess and the Kryptonian Crystal Lights put on their show...well, I thought I heard the word "Kandor", but wasn't sure. I could have rewound, but by then my brain was saying "rewind? you want to fast-forward outta here".

    You did hear Kandor. And some other garbled thing.

    Kandor. Are the Dumb Smallville Writers now bringing in random Superman terms just to make the audience think that they know Superman Lore and have a Master Plan?

    That's it. You have nailed it.

    If Kandor is anything but a Brainiac-shrunk Kryptonian city, I'll...I'll...I don't know...GRRRRR. Imagine, though, for a moment, that the Silver Age Kandor is brought to "Smallville"...Clark & Jimmy are shrunk and have an adventure there...and they have to don disguises as Nightwing & Flamebird...and...NAH!!!

    You mean Henry James?

    My prediction for the finale: Clark and Davis die after a massive battle. Chloe is too good an established character to die. Tess is the closest thing to Lex they have on the show (not that she's all that close). Plus, if she dies, they'll only have two female regulars. Ollie, Jimmy and Lois are safe for obvious reasons.

    Lois will die next season, and will be revealed to have been Henry Lois Lane.

    They'll loosely follow "The Death of Superman" saga by killing Clark and Doomsday, with Clark obviously returning from the dead.

    Anyway, that's my, take it away...



    Tom Roberts wrote:

    Dr. Emil Hamilton was in the "Nicodemus" episode, and played by the actor who was Henry on "Eureka." Now, "Injustice" has a "Battlestar" alumnus playing Dr. Emil. Is his first name Hamilton?

    That was Stephen Hamilton, if I recall correctly, an homage but not the actual character, though it was supposed to be at the time.

    I got the perfect ending for Kurt's Trinity: Superman let Busiek hook up to a Kryptonian auto-printer,then flew off to handle an earthquake in Tokyo. while Supes was gone, the Joker teleported in with the help of Warp and overdosed KB with Joker gas,causing the goofy run which is Trinity rather than the usually grand sagas we get from Kurt.

    I think a better ending would be all of the fans ceasing to buy it, and issue 52 never being released thereby.

    Bruce Kanin wrote (RE: Doomsday):

    (WARNING - there is a "Star Trek" movie near-spoiler embedded in this, so beware! It is a general comment related to the movie.)


    C-*. It had the potential to be better. In fact, initially I rated it a "B". But the Clark-Doomsday fight was too short and had a disappointing ending; Jimmy's death didn't feel right; and the ending with the Orb/Kandor/Zod...well...ugh.

    _THE GOOD_

  • The early scene between Lois & Clark was a good one. Clark seemed very Superman-like and Lois treated him as if he were Superman. It was a poignant scene that set things up for later via the "phone booth" arrangement that never materialized because Lois became zapped by the Legion ring. Welling and Durance, especially Durance, did a good job here. I have to say ... how many phone booths are there left these days? I haven't seen any. The advent of the cell phone has sent phone booths to the Smithsonian.

  • Terrific scene between Clark & Jimmy, with Clark's secret exposed. Jimmy's discovery brought the two closer, almost as if they now have a mentor-pal relationship (as in "Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen"!). Jimmy almost renamed the red-blue blur, too, calling Clark a "super guy". But he hesitated after the "super", putting us viewers on edge (in Edge City...LOL), wondering if Clark would finally get his super-name...even w/o the flights or the tights. But, hey, no signal watch? It was made more touching, in retrospect, in light of Jimmy's fate later in the episode.

  • The return of the Lois & Jimmy team, a team that dates back to the Golden Age of Comics, was brief but welcome.

  • Lois versus Tess in the Daily Planet...MREOW!

    _THE BAD_

  • The teaser contained an incomprehensible recap of the eighth (current) season.

  • Orb, Orb. What is Orb? We've had all sorts of Kryptonian artifacts over the seasons, including various crystals, discs, whoopee cushions (ok, not really) and what-not. When did we get an orb? Why do we need an orb? Tess says something about something living in it. I thought it might have been Kandor, based on nonsense at the end of the previous episode, but now we see that Zod, apparently, has been unleashed. Is this the same Zod that inhabited Lex's body a few seasons ago? I'm sooo confused. Is Zod back because he's currently guest-starring in Superman's comic books? (So I hear...not that I read them any more).

  • Clark is just plain too harsh on Ollie. They should be buddies. How is Clark ever going to be half of the "World's Finest" team with the much tougher Batman if he can't get along with Oliver Queen?

  • Clark still doesn't know how to keep his super-hearing going 24X7. He's distracted by Black Canary and Bart such that Green Arrow can sneak up behind him with a K-arrow. Clark should have heard Ollie, whether his heartbeat or his overall movements. I guess his super-intelligence hasn't kicked in yet.

    _THE REST_

  • The battle between Clark & Doomsday was a mixed bag. Overall, it was disappointing because (1) it was too short and (2) it ended with a too-easy way of Clark disposing of Doomsday by exterminating him in an industrial plant explosion. If Doomsday is invulnerable, how could that kill him? Still, the pounding noise caused by Doomsday on the Metropolis streets was chilling and reminded me of the issues leading up to "Death of Superman". The battle between Clark and Doomsday very much reminded me of the same battle between Superman and Doomsday, but, again, it was too damn short. The writers must moonlight on "Heroes", which also has a problem presenting epic battles that deserve more screen time.

  • When Jimmy died, I thought that Chloe would use her long-dormant power to restore life. That would have been bad, because she hasn't demonstrated it recently.

  • Speaking of Jimmy, so his little brother will apparently inherit the bow-tie, camera, freckles and all. Eventually he will become the new Jimmy Olsen and work at the /Daily Planet/. Whatever his name is, he'll obviously take on the name "Jimmy", if only a nickname. He can't be "James Bartholomew Olsen", though. This whole concept is a mixed bag. It's good in that it doesn't leave the "Smallville" Superman universe without a core character. It's good because it solves a problem the dumb writers introduced awhile back, which is that Jimmy Olsen is supposed to be younger than Superman, yet the "Smallville" Jimmy seemed about Clark's age. It's crummy, though, because they brought a character out of nowhere to replace Jimmy with another Jimmy. If they had shown a freckled, bow-tied, red-haired little kid at Chloe & Jimmy's aborted wedding, it would have been a neat touch and I might have accepted it here. But they didn't (not that I remember). So, I feel a little cheated. It's not the worst idea in the world - it reminds me somewhat of the alternate timeline concept in the new Star Trek movie. Takes getting used to.

  • Good to have Cosmic Boy back, if briefly, although the circumstances were muddled. Did he contact Clark or vice-versa? If CB thinks that Doomsday should be brought into the future so that the Legion can take care of him, why not send the entire Legion back in time to snatch him away? Maybe I'm thinking too hard.

  • The return of the FLA! No, not "Florida", but the Flimsy League of America. I mean...come on...Flash, Jr.; Green Arrow; and Black Canary? Except for GA, they didn't do a whole lot. There certainly was no Canary Cry. I don't recall Bart speeding all that much.

  • So wheeerrrre's Lois? You mean to tell me that just touching the Legion ring causes one to vanish into ... wherever she's gone?

  • A first for the end of a "Smallville" season: no real cliffhangers. Yes, Lois is missing. But we know that she'll be back and all right. Yes, Zod is back. But so what and who cares? It's almost as if the writers thought Season Eight was going to end the series, and scrambled to come up with ... next to nothing.

  • The Watchtower is introduced. It's not the first live-TV instance of it, though. The ill-fated "Birds of Prey" series had a Watchtower, too...albeit in Gotham City.


  • None! But what could be in store for Season Nine? For whatever its faults, it's amazing that there IS a Season Nine. How many series have lasted this long? And they're already talking about a tenth! Part of the reason "Smallville" has stuck around has to do with the WB and CW. Across the major networks, "Smallville" is typically in last place. But within the limited universe of CW, "Smallville" is a hit.

  • As for next season, it's hard to say, but here goes:

    - Chloe becomes Oracle and hangs out in the Watchtower.

    - Lois comes back from shopping in the 31th century with all sorts of chachkas.

    - Ollie grows a beard and starts talking like a hippie. Nahhh.

    - Um, Davis and Jimmy are dead, so they don't come back. Little Jimmy is probably too young to be a copy boy at the /Daily Planet/. Maybe in Season Ten.

    - Tess...who knows? I hope Zod takes her away and she's replaced at the /Daily Planet/ by Perry White.

    - Clark becomes more hardened and focused to be a superhero. Maybe he even travels around the world, as he did in "Superman: Birthright" and even earlier DC stories about the time period between Clark's stay in Smallville and his move to Metropolis. Thing is, Clark really should be Superman now. They're beyond teasing us. It's beyond annoying. Rename the show "Metropolis" and let's go "up, up and away" already...

  • See y'all in Season Nine...

    _Bruce Kanin_

    I hope any or all of those predictions come true. Sadly, I fear more of the same and no real progression. And anyway, Clark is dead. HAR.

    DarkShingo wrote:

    So, it's been a long time, althought i doubt you remember me. I wrote to you once or twice a long time ago. Anyway, i was planning to write again since i started to watch 'Smallville' again, but never had the right idea in my mind to do it. After watching Doomsday, i couldn't refrain myself for doing so.


    First of all, i'm not a Superman fan. I mean, it's one of the comic-book characters i like, but not in the top of my list. Lately, with the New Krypton storyline in comics, i've getting more interested in him. But i digress...

    So, not being a big fan of the big guy, i've never managed to explain to myself why i watch Smallville (not on a regular basis, to be honest). Since i picked up season 8, i keep wondering WHY, more than ever. So much potential, yet so much wasted. Stiletto was one of the most entertaining stories so far, so my hopes went up once again. And, somehow, they managed to let me down, AGAIN.

    Last episode, Doomsday... Oh boy. I won't go picking all the things that went wrong: Doomsday vs Clark, the whole 'save Davis, now he's dead', backstabbing Clark to 'protect him' (now let's see them judge Chloe), etc., etc. But the 3 definitive moments that went over my head.

    1) Jimmy finding out who Clark really is: My first thought was 'oh, he's so dead'. My second thought was '...or maybe he's gonna give him the 'mind-wipe' kiss... and all the fandom will run to type copious amount of slash about 'Climmy', and the fanbase will be gone forever'. Then i came to my senses and went for choice #1.

    2) Jimmy's funeral: '...see? i was right. Wait a minute? Henry James Olsen? Hmm. Don't remember that. Oh, maybe i have to look in Wikipedia or something... Waaaaaaiit a minute. Ok, now they're going to say Chloe is pregnant? Because that would make some sort of sense... Jimmy Olsen, younger than Clark and the gang... But then he would be too young, or...' Then, it came moment number

    3) Little Olsen Brother: 'Awwwww come on!' Really? Right. Because it makes sense to name your older son Henry James and the little one James Henry, or whatever his name is going to be. And for those, like me, that couldn't believe it, Chloe goes and gives him the camera, like investing him with his new title. The phrase, so cliché and so wrong: "Who knows? Maybe one day you'll follow in his footsteps". No thanks, i don't wanna end dead like him.

    I agree. Basically, it was a cheap ploy. And it's James Bartholomew, in theory. But on Smallville it'd be James Stanley, just in case they want to kill him later, no doubt.

    So, bottom line: Argh. And you know what? I'll be watching the next episode. Why? I DON'T KNOW! Please, tell me the name of my obsession.

    P.S. Sorry to hear about your loss. I wish to you the best, and rest assured she's smiling right now, watching over you.

    That's kind of creepy. I DO shower sometimes... Ah, I kid. Gramma always loved a good joke.

    Wishing you the best, your friend from Mexico.


    That's a good note to close on. Catch you all next fall for the new format, check out the updated KO Count, and hope you all get sunburnt and rested.


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