Superman’s Involvement in “Justice League” Movie – Poll Results

In the latest Superman Homepage Member Poll we asked you the following question:

How much of the “Justice League” movie are you expecting Superman to be in?

Close to 40% of you think Superman will feature in at least a quarter of the film… likely the final quarter. Another 33% think he’ll only be in 10% of the film. With a very hopeful 14% thinking he’ll feature in half of the movie. I guess we’ll know for sure in a week’s time.

Here’s the complete voting breakdown:

How much of the "Justice League" movie are you expecting Superman to be in?
  • 25% 38%, 177 votes
    177 votes 38%
    177 votes - 38% of all votes
  • 10% 33%, 152 votes
    152 votes 33%
    152 votes - 33% of all votes
  • 50% 14%, 63 votes
    63 votes 14%
    63 votes - 14% of all votes
  • 90% 7%, 31 vote
    31 vote 7%
    31 vote - 7% of all votes
  • 1% 5%, 25 votes
    25 votes 5%
    25 votes - 5% of all votes
  • 75% 3%, 15 votes
    15 votes 3%
    15 votes - 3% of all votes
Total Votes: 463
November 1, 2017 - November 8, 2017
Voting is closed