Superman Radio Series – Poll Results

In the latest Superman Homepage Member Poll we asked you the following question:

Have you ever listened to any of the 1940s Superman radio series?

While 44% of you have listened to a few of the episodes of the 1940s Superman radio series, I’m shocked and disappointed that 20% have no interest and another 17% didn’t even know about it! You’re missing out BIG TIME! This era and version of Superman may well be my favorite! Bud Collyer is amazing! Do yourself a favor and check them out… Now!

Here’s the complete voting breakdown:

Have you ever listened to any of the 1940s Superman radio series?
  • Yes, but only a few 44%, 61 vote
    61 vote 44%
    61 vote - 44% of all votes
  • No, I'm not interested 20%, 27 votes
    27 votes 20%
    27 votes - 20% of all votes
  • No, I didn't even know about it 17%, 24 votes
    24 votes 17%
    24 votes - 17% of all votes
  • Yes, most of them 13%, 18 votes
    18 votes 13%
    18 votes - 13% of all votes
  • Yes, all of them 6%, 8 votes
    8 votes 6%
    8 votes - 6% of all votes
Total Votes: 138
February 27, 2019 - March 6, 2019
Voting is closed

Be sure to get involved in the new Member Poll available near the bottom of the front page of our website.