Kryptonian Council

Kryptonian Council

The Staff of the Superman Homepage Speak Out

[Date: June 2005]

Hey, folks! Welcome to the Kryptonian Council! This is a free-form discussion where I and members of the Superman Homepage writing teams will be talking freely about issues that affect the site and Superman in general. It's a little like Radio KAL, only it's more free-form. You'll find typos, off the cuff remarks. It's the website at its rawest, and it's supposed to be that way. Everything with a grain of salt, and humor above all else, all the while confronting the issues of concern to a Superman fan. It's a way to extend the idea behind Radio KAL to multiple people, withough having a bunch of people talking over each other, and we hope to make it a monthly fixture here at the Superman Homepage, or at least a fixture for every time something major happens in the Superman world.

This month we took on the idea that many have suggested that the Superman Homepage is anti-Smallville. If you have suggestions for future topics, please send them in to either Steve Younis or Neal Bailey. Enjoy!

Steve: Welcome to the Kryptonian Council. I'm Steve Younis
Neal: I'm Neal Bailey
Barry: Barry Freiman
Felix: Felix Vasquez
Aaron: Aaron Thall. And this is... 60 Minutes
Steve: Heh... Nice one Aaron. Neal do you want to introduce this concept to everyone?
Neal: So we, as some of the Superman Homepage staff, have convened here for the first time, mostly, what, because we wanted to give everyone an idea into the editorial direction we have, generally, and why we write some of the things we do, and maybe to let people in a little bit on the Superman Homepage and how we do what we do
Aaron: And then we warp their minds. ;)
Felix: So do we question one another, or just talk?
Steve: Well Barry, you had a good topic you wanted to tackle...
Barry: Well thanks to Neal, everybody thinks we hate Smallville :)
Felix: lol
Steve: Yeah, Thanks Neal!! :D
Aaron: You mean we don't?
Barry: and I didn't help matters any in my interview with Ms. Kidder
Felix: Well I don't hate it I just don't like what it's become
Steve: So, do we hate "Smallville"?
Neal: My answer? No. Though others may think otherwise.
Felix: I just hate that it went from mythos to supernatural "OC"
Aaron: No. I just hate the terrible writng, asinine plots, and the completely bogus character development
Steve: Personally, I don't. I love the show. I just think Season 4 has been a bit of a let down
Neal: I love the show, I hated the 4th season
Barry: I agree though I was impressed with the season finale
Felix: As was I
Felix: it made up for the lack of creativity in season four
Aaron: Season 4 was a waste of space. Other than Chloe learning the secret, virtually nothing of importance happened
Steve: Okay, so why do many people think the Superman Homepage is anti-Smallville?
Neal: What happens is people read the reviews, or they see the general pessimism, and they think it's an intentional attempt to spike the show because we're press. The reality is, and I think I speak for all of us, we want the show to succeed
Barry: I'm hoping little green aliens will step out of the space ship and give Lana an insect queen ring
Felix: I don't think we're anti-smallville
Aaron: Neal's weekly hunts for Lana's scalp.
Felix: we just don't take everything thats fed to us
Steve: No, but many do Felix...
Neal: I think I have a big part in that. I gave more negative reviews than positive this year. For the first time, I might add...
Felix: Some people just accept it as is, but others see its lack of originality and creativity
Neal: I don't think it's just Lana, myself
Felix: Well a lot of the episodes were terrible
Aaron: The entire show's been going downhill for a while.
Felix: I agreed with much of what you wrote this year Neal
Aaron: Season 3 was insulting.
Aaron: Look, they got rid of the only blatant minority.
Neal: A lot of it, I hear there were budget cuts, there was an intentional drive for nudity, and new management. It might not even be the creator's fault
Felix: There's just too much exploitation
Aaron: Now they're as white as EVERY OTHER WB SHOW
Felix: Too much obligatory chest and butt shots at one point
Felix: if I wanted to watch the OC I would but I came to watch Smallville
Barry: I think there's a difference between appreciating Superman stuff whether it's a TV show, movie, cartoon, comic and having to review it or view it critically which is something we all do
Felix: If I'm going to invest my time in this show, give me what I want
Neal: Thanks, Felix. The way I look at it, I don't write so that people will totally agree, I write it so they can see what the average goon is thinking watching the show. When that doesn't synch, I get complaint letters. I do watch that.
Aaron: I'd still disappointed that the archaeologist at the end of season 2 wasn't Brainiac
Barry: I mean, I love "Superman IV" - but I get that it's a horrible movie objectively
Neal: Sure. And heck, we may watch "Superman IV" again and again, that still doesn't change the general consensus
Aaron: That also doesn't change the fact that my cassette of the fourth movie is somehow titled "The Quest for PEACH"
Neal: And speaking as a person who keeps the pulse of the fans on Smallville, a lot of people are disgusted right now. That doesn't mean they hate it, after all, we're all still watching it. They just want it to be better
Felix: LOL
Neal: I want the power to rebuild walls with my eyes
Steve: Barry, do you think Margot's criticisms were warranted, now that you've seen the resolution of Chris Reeve's character
Barry: Absolutely Steve - I think it was just more of the inferior season at work
Aaron: The only reason people watched this season was Lois.
Felix: I get really annoyed when people question my love for Superman because I'm not liking the direction of Smallville. I can't emphasize that enough. It's insulting
Neal: Reeve was a big sticking point for me. I stayed away from it this year, because I was worried I might cause problems, but I really think they were quite disrespectful to his memory in a few ways
Felix: Agreed Aaron. Some guys got a liking to her and started watching
Neal: First, no substantive tribute, despite the fact that in many ways he MADE what made Smallville really great.
Felix: Agreed
Barry: Smallville is about the journey of 3 people all of whom have a strong tie to Superman - and it wasn't about that this year
Felix: the tribute here on the NY area was short, only lasted about three seconds
Neal: Second, killing off the plot line entirely and pretending it didn't exist
Felix: Agreed Freiman
Neal: Thirdly, muddling his contribution by mixing the continuity (He's seeing him all the time, he's never seeing him)
Aaron: Don't forget how they offed Kidder's character with no preamble. No respect at all for the legends.
Felix: Agreed. Its all about attracting new crowds. So in turn they forget the real audience
Neal: Just generally, they treated the death more as an inconvenience than a reason to celebrate the man, and when Margot didn't tow the line, down came the boom
Aaron: The tribute didn't even really AIR here
Felix: Mine was cut off quickly and the show started fast
Aaron: All I got was the dedication at the end of the episode
Neal: Agreed, Barry. They've lost the journey... the mythos
Barry: Given that Margot's comments ended up in the New York Times, I assume that her final fate had something to do with what she said
Neal: I mean, what's the mythos this year? Stones. Witches
Felix: ugh! Don't remind me Neal
Aaron: Weakness to magic.
Neal: Jor-El as villain
Aaron: I still think Jor-El is the Eradicator
Steve: My biggest problem this season was the complete lack of disregard for continuity... especially in relation to the Kryptonite being in China before Krypton exploded
Neal: Yeah. That was probably the most ridiculous thing
Aaron: I really do
Felix: "Spell" is possibly this series worst episode
Neal: Just generally, the consistency has fallen. Lex MURDERED two people, and no questions are asked
Aaron: Lana almost murdered a kid and there was no problem
Aaron: But when she kills in self defense? OH NO! I MUST RUN AND NEARLY DIE!
Neal: Well, let me ask you all something I've only asked myself....has the show jumped the shark (bearing in mind you guys are all HUGE Superman fans, I can verify)?
Aaron: I'm not a huge fan
Barry: The show jumped the shark in my opinion
Felix: I think it has
Steve: Neal, I don't think it has jumped the shark... I think it still entertains
Barry: that isnt to say it can't jump back
Felix: but it can rebound
Aaron: (waves Fantastic Four banner)
Aaron: It jumped the shark, a school of pirahnna, and the body of Jaques Cousteau.
Felix: If the writers take the lack of budget and use it to their advantage and focus on story and characterization
Neal: Steve, you ALWAYS have a more positive viewpoint than I do...most of you reading this might not know it, but he's the guy who directs me, guides me, and at times tells me what I shouldn't do. And though that usually bristles me with most folks, Steve is usually right. Heck. He's always right
Aaron: He said, knowing that the Master was watching...
Neal: He's the objective guy in this room. And he's also positive. That's why he makes the good editor.
Steve: You're too kind Neal... I'm just a bit less likely to stir the pot than you are.
Barry: If Clark doesn't get a fortress of solitude in the season opener, then it won't have jumped back
Felix: If they could think for a second, they could use this budget cut as a positive. Use the lack of effects for stories that make sense.
Neal: Well, yeah, there's that, but me and Steve are actually really good friends. It's better that way, because when he has to cut something, it's not out of profit or concerns for readers, but more for common sense. He's my conscience.
Steve: Profit? :) LOL
Felix: lol
Neal: Well, okay. bad term
Felix: Even I didn't believe that Neal
Neal: I mean you're not doing things here for yourself and glory
Steve: I know ;)
Felix: I am! LOL
Aaron: To... cheesy... ALLERGIC REACTION!
Felix: Justing joking
Neal: I find myself in a weird position, actually. There is that urge to tow the line
Felix: Please don't, because then you're just giving in to mob rules
Aaron: But mobs DO rule
Neal: If a BOZILLION people love Smallville, and I can maintain that with reviews, I get readers. It's hard to swallow, sometimes, that my honest opinion is what it is, even if it drives readers off.
Felix: Not with an individual mind
Neal: But I like to think that said honesty is what builds a better readership
Felix: People complain you suck, but then they keep reading
Steve: Okay... so we're not anti-Smallville, we're just a fickle bunch of fans who want what's best for the show.
Neal: Yeah.
Barry: Nonetheless as writers we need to deal with criticism, brush off what doesn't work for us but use critiques to find a way to improve as writers
Neal: Train wreck theory. I love getting letters that say, "You're horrible! And here's how, from 87 of your reviews, in sequence!"
Neal: True, Barry. I think a lot of people miss that when I dwell, it's usually less to paste home the point, and more to entertain or be humorous. I find irony and inconsistency entertaining, as do many others
Aaron: I think they need to, believe it or not, deemphasize Clark occasionally. To let the other characters breathe and have room to grow
Felix: LOL. I think they need more on Clark. Lana is too focused on. She's become central when she should be supporting
Aaron: I'd almost kill to see an episode where Clark NEVER SHOWS UP.
Neal: Like the issue where he never changes into Superman
Steve: Well I think we've just proven a point... It's impossible to please everyone
Felix: Exactly
Aaron: You have Jor-El. You have that archaeologist that's practically Brainiac, and you have Chloe knowing the secret. Let HER play hero
Felix: Why Tarantino won't do a comic movie
Neal: But see, that requires innovative storytelling, and people like to watch what they KNOW.
Barry: I write a bad review of JLU - like the review for this week's episode - and nobody accuses the site of being anti-JLU
Neal: That's the whole problem right now. A TV audience, which is less discerning, meeting the book readers/comic geeks, who are TOO discerning
Steve: Good point Neal
Neal: And the mutant hybrids that drive the market, like me. ;)
Felix: But they care more about the TV audience as was shown in season four
Aaron: And then there's us, the borderline schizos
Felix: My ears are burning
Barry: Very good point Neal
Neal: Well, actually, what I see is that for a few seasons it was more about a good story, and now it's become about the bottom line, even if there's some good stories thrown in
Steve: Okay, so any final thoughts on this topic?
Neal: My final thought: I just want to let everyone know that I love the show and I want the best for it. If I hated it, why would I review it? Why write 300 pages? I could stop tomorrow, you know?
Felix: Don't joke like that
Aaron: I think they need to focus less on the extraneous garbage like Isobel and start SHOWING how Clark comes to the decision to be a hero
Felix: Agreed
Neal: That show means the world to me
Barry: I hope for the best for the show going into season 5 - I do think this is the last season coming up. No matter how it does in ratings
Aaron: Probably
Steve: From an official stand point: The Superman Homepage is NOT anti-Smallville. We're so pro-Smallville that we're not willing to accept bad episodes.
Felix: I hope the show goes on for a long time
Neal: Next year they say they "Rocket" towards their respective destinies. If they don't force it in three episodes, who knows? It could work itself out
Felix: Just give us what we want
Aaron: We don't want the writers talking down to us
Barry: My theory is there's a certain synchronicity in ending the show in May with the movie opening a month later
Neal: And though I like the cleavage, I don't think cleavage a good story makes. ;)
Felix: Agreed
Aaron: Unless it's Krypto mutant cleavage
Felix: ooh
Neal: You know, I heard that they were considering cancelling this year. But the movie stopped that
Barry: But that also requires WB to have communication between the TV and Movie departments and they don't
Neal: And that they cut 100K from every episode next year
Barry: Though Bryan Singer did meet with Gough and Millar
Felix: They won't cancel it probably until after the movie
Aaron: So they have a budget of... three rubber bands and a piece of lint?
Neal: That's "allegedly", because I don't have sources for that, but nonetheless, there are good signs and bad signs
Steve: Okay, well this has been the first of what we're aiming to be monthly "Kryptonian Council" meetings. We hope you've enjoyed reading a random discussion conducted by a group of the Superman Homepage staff.
Felix: See now this was fun
Steve: Thanks guys!
Felix: I feel like a part of the family
Neal: Yeah, thanks for reading, all! Hope this has been somewhat insightful, at least. :)
Barry: This wasn't too painful. LOL
Neal: That's the idea...Superman Family. Heh.
Felix: Read my krypto reviews!!
Aaron: Read the novel reviews.
Neal: Heck, just read the whole site!
Neal: Later, everyone!
Felix: bye
Steve: Thanks! We'll catch you next time

Kryptonian Council Meetings