2015 Comic Book News Archives

May 5, 2015: Brian Buccellato Talks "Injustice: Gods Among Us - Year Four"

Injustice: Year Four - Chapter #1 Brian Buccellato, the writer in charge of "Injustice: Gods Among Us", has participated in a number of interviews to discuss the start of "Year Four", labeled as the "Year of the gods".

Here's an excerpt from his interview with ComicVine.com...

    COMIC VINE: How long after Year Three does this take place? One day or some other period of time?

    BRIAN BUCCELLATO: It's a few months. Things have settled down as Batman has gone underground and the Regime is in full effect. Superman sits on his metaphoric throne, as tyrant. He DOES still have that infernal Batman itch to scratch and won't rest until he KNOWS Batman is out of the picture.

    CV: What's the status of the heroes and the world after all the magical business in Year Three?

    BB: Batman is underground and hasn't been heard from. His resistance has dwindled to a pathetic few. Superman is on top and the status quo is getting closer to the video games. But like I said, Superman is NOT resting easy because he knows it's only a matter of time before Batman resurfaces with one of his damned crazy plans.

    CV: What can we expect with this being the year of the Greek Gods?

    BB: Expect to see Zeus, Hera, Hercules and a host of other characters. And punches will be thrown. Many of them at Superman's face.

Read the rest of the interview at ComicVine.com.

Meanwhile, IGN.com also interviewed Brian Buccellato...

    IGN: Why have the Greek gods chosen now to intervene in Superman's rise to power? Are they threatened by his growing power an influence?

    Buccellato: If you go back to year three, the plan was seeded when Hippolyta asked Hera for help reviving Wonder Woman and Superman. I don't want to give away more than that. Sorry!

    IGN: How are you choosing to portray the gods and their powers? How big a threat do they pose to Superman's army? Can they even be fought by conventional means?

    Buccellato: Wonder Woman is Zeus' daughter in the Injustice World. Ares has already been in the game and book... so the Greek Gods are definitely able to interact on a corporeal level. If you think Ares is a handful... imagine the might of Hera, Zeus, and Hercules.

Read the full interview at the IGN website.

Chapter #1 of "Injustice: Gods Among Us - Year Four" is available digitally today. Purchase is from Comixology, or for the Kindle or iBooks.

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