2012 Merchandise & Miscellaneous News Archives

April 18, 2012: Larry Tye Talks History of Superman

Superman: The High-Flying History of America's Most Enduring Hero SicFiPulse.net caught up with author Larry Tye to ask him about his new book "Superman: The High-Flying History of America's Most Enduring Hero". Here's an excerpt from the interview...

    Yanes: You've written about serious topics for most of your career. Why did you decide to discuss the history of Superman (a topic that many would consider to be frivolous)?

    Tye: Because in addition to being endless fun, Superman is serious. As America's longest-lasting hero of the last century, he offers a lens into why we embrace the heroes we do. As a huge success in all of our media - from radio and TV to movies, cartoons, novels and graphic novels - he lets us look at the divergent takes those media offer in telling stories and attracting fans. He is all that we aspire to, and therefore says a lot about our aspirations, inspirations, and motivations. He is, at bottom, as all-American a story as there is.

    Yanes: There have been lots of books specifically on Superman or that have gone into depth about the Man of Steel even if he was not the focus of the text. What's unique perspective on the character do you take in Superman: The High-Flying History of America's Most Enduring Hero?

    Tye: I try to pull it together in a way that explain Superman's appeal to people who never really paid attention and offers new insights into those who have been paying attention for 75 years. I treat the Man of Steel as a serious subject worthy of a full-fledged biography, which he is and which few if any books have done before. I try to let my readers have as much fun reading this book as I had writing it. Whether I succeed, you and your readers will have to judge.

Read the complete interview at the SicFiPulse.net website.

Order "Superman: The High-Flying History of America's Most Enduring Hero" from our Online Store.

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