2012 Comic Book News Archives

November 5, 2012: Scott Lobdell Talks Superman at LBCC

Superman #16 On Saturday November 3rd Scott Lobdell attended the Long Beach Comic Con and answered fan questions about his plans for the monthly "Superman" comic book title. Here's part of the report from Newsarama.com...

    Part of the motivation to move Clark away from The Daily Planet, Lobdell explained, is to get rid of the "hypocrisy" inherent in depicting Clark Kent writing about Superman as if they're two different people, when the job of a reporter is to publish the truth.

    To that end, Lobdell also discussed the problem of Clark not being able to share his secret identity with his friends - including Lois Lane, who Lobdell said he sees as Clark's best friend.

    Lois will continue to play a "huge part" in Clark's life, Lobdell said, though the romance established in Justice League will continue. "His relationship with Wonder Woman is definitely going to be a major factor in coming months," the writer said. Additionally, readers will in the near future see how Lois met her New 52 boyfriend, Jonathan Carroll.

    "I don't think [Superman] sees Clark as a secret identity," Lobdell said on the issue of where Clark Kent ends and Superman begins. "When he puts on certain clothes, people call him Superman."

Read the complete article at Newsarama.com.

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