2008 Comic Book News Archives

DC Nation

February 24, 2008: WonderCon 2008 - Interview with Mark Bagley

Superman Homepage staff writer Jeffrey Taylor caught up with artist Mark Bagley at WonderCon 2008 and asked him about "Trinity", the new weekly DC Comics series being written by Kurt Busiek...

It's great to have you working at DC. We know you're a fast artist. On Ultimate Spider-Man, the issues tended to come out once every three weeks. How do you feel about doing a weekly series at this point.

Mark: I'm not all that fast. I work a lot of hours. I do what I do and I'm disciplined about it. DC Trinity is right up my alley. I'm excited about doing it. And you know it's only 12 pages a week. I've already got a four month headstart so I'm really doing about eight pages a week and that's about my pace.

So how are into it are you right now.

Mark: I just finished part 3. And I shouldn't even be here. I should be at home working.

Are there any changes so far that you didn't anticipate?

Mark: Not that I didn't anticipate. I'm just learning how to do Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. They're such iconic characters. But especially Wonder Woman, I'm not really known for my female faces. I haven't done glamour, per se, steady enough to get really good at it. So I'm really having to work at it. But it's coming along.

Is there any character in DC that you've really wanted to draw and now you finally get the chance to?

Mark: Pretty much them. Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. Everybody's going to be in it. Pretty much the entire DC Universe. So I'm drawing everybody. So far I've drawn Superman, Flash, Ragman, Green Arrow. Cameo's and that sort of thing. But it's not like Countdown or Crisis where everything ties into everything.

Are there any teases you could possibly offer?

Mark: No... Well I know Superman has a really bad afternoon.

2008 Comic News

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