2006 Comic Book News Archives

DC Comics

January 25, 2006: Dan Didio Talks Superman Comics

Newsarama spoke with DCU Executive Editor Dan Didio about the Superman comics, bringing on Kurt Busiek and Carlos Pacheco to "Superman", and losing "Adventures of Superman". Here's part of what Dan had to say...

    "Part of the reason that we pared the Superman books down to two titles is that we wanted to get a closer tone shared between Superman and Action. When you've got three different series, you end up trying to twist it into three different flavors, but now, you're going to see a lot more conformity between Superman and Action Comics than you've seen since probably back when we had the triangle numbering between the series."

    That's not, Didio stressed when asked, to say that the two series will have one storyline, moving back and forth between the two, as was common during the "triangle era," and stories wove through the four monthly Superman titles.

    "Absolutely not. The series will have two independent stories featuring the characters acting and behaving in the same manner. It's about tonality, it's about voice, and it's about direction. It's not about uniform storytelling.

    "What I'm hoping for is the sense that this is the same Superman, the same Jimmy Olsen, the same Lois, the same Metropolis in both titles. The message that we're trying to drive home the most with Infinite Crisis is that we've got a real sense of who our characters are. We understand their motivations, their behaviors, and their actions. On top of that, the characters should act the same way from book to book. So, we've you've got two books running side by side like Action and Superman, they should have the same feel.

    "That was part of the reason why we're doing the eight part crossover to kick off One Year Later in Superman with Geoff and Kurt - we wanted to show that there was one voice that brought the two books together before they took their separate paths."

Read the complete article at the Newsarama website.

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