2005 Comic Book News Archives

January 16, 2005: Superman Comics Amongst Best Sellers for 2004

Diamond has released its numbers for 2004, based on actual comic books sales, and Superman comics are amongst the top 10 in terms of both quantity sold and dollars made.

The Top 10 comics for 2004 in terms of quantity (purely the number of comics shipped) were:

  1. Superman #204
  2. New Avengers #1
  3. Superman/Batman #8
  4. Identity Crisis #1
  5. Astonishing X-Men #1
  6. Superman #205
  7. Superman/Batman #10
  8. Identity Crisis #2
  9. Superman #206
  10. Superman/Batman #9
The Top 10 comics for 2004 in terms of dollars (a function of both cover price and amount shipped) were:

  1. Identity Crisis #1
  2. Avengers/JLA #4
  3. Superman/Batman #8
  4. Identity Crisis #2
  5. Astonishing X-Men #2
  6. Superman #204
  7. Green Lantern: Rebirth #1
  8. Superman/Batman #10
  9. Identity Crisis #3
  10. Identity Crisis #4

2005 Comic News

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