2004 Comic Book News Archives

JLA: Kid Amazo

February 11, 2004: Milligan Talks “Kid Amazo”

Newsarama caught up with writer Peter Milligan to discuss with him his up-coming hardcover JLA special "JLA: Kid Amazo", set to be released in April. Here's an excerpt from the article...

    "My knowledge of the more arcane DC superheroes and villains is not as wide as that of others, and while we were talking about the Justice League, I mentioned that it would be fun if they came up against a villain who had all of their powers," Milligan said. "Dan told me about the android Amazo, a villain with all of the powers of the JLA who rarely gets used. He's made some bit appearances, but really isn't explored too deeply, or for too long.

    "I thought that was interesting, and as I started to think about it, the story came pretty quickly - the idea of a second generation Amazo, a character who not only has the powers of the entire JLA, but is more than his father - a character who can test the JLA in terms of their powers, but also what they are as a team in a way the father could not."

    While Amazo has made a few appearances recently, he's rarely, as Milligan mentioned, been set up as a villain for too long. It's a credibility thing, Milligan feels. "If he hung around too long, he'd surely defeat the JLA by foul means or fair," Milligan said. "Usually, he just comes in, makes a quick appearance, gets defeated by some twist or extremely clever means, and is shuffled off again."

    "Kid Amazo" is the plan of both Amazo and his creator, Professor Ivo. Begun years earlier, when it became somewhat obvious to Amazo that some help in his perpetual battle against the JLA would be a good thing, the part-human, part android cyborg is a college student, a lapsed Catholic, and a student of existential philosophy and Frederick Nietzsche.

Read the complete article at the Newsarama website.

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