2003 Movie News Archives


April 8, 2003: Alan Horn Talks Superman Movies

AintItCoolNews has published a report that quotes some of the things Alan Horn (President and Chief Operating Officer at Warner Bros) had to say about the up-coming Superman movie and also the "Superman vs Batman" movie. Here's an excerpt from the report...

RE: Superman vs. Batman... "We will do it." He says it's "dark and mean-spirited" but really, really good. The plan is to have Superman and Batman origin stories released within the same year (starting in 2005). Each movie (I think he said there would be three of each?) will deal with the Superheroes' origins and began to establish their relationship to each other which will set up "Superman vs. Batman" to follow the backstories.

Superman and Batman find themselves at odds in "Superman v. Batman" when Bruce goes out seeking bloody vengeance on the murderer of his new bride, Jennifer. Superman opposes him, fights him to the near death - then it's discovered that the guy behind Jennifer's murder is also this big baddie in Superman's circle and they unite to fight or something sweet like that. I'm anxious to see how "dark and mean-spirited" this really is...

RE: J.J. Abrams' script for Superman... Horn was put off by the idea initially but after reading the script, liked it a lot - especially the nuances of the Clark Kent character. Also, feels it's important to get an ACTOR, a great ACTOR, to be Clark. The Clark/Superman difference "can't just be about taking the glasses off anymore." They are really being selective in trying to find someone who can pull it off because if they can't find someone worthy of following Christopher Reever "we're screwed." (Horn was a big fan of Josh Hartnett in the role)

The second Superman movie will have Clark returning to the remnants of Krypton (yes, there are remnants).

Read the complete report at the AintItCoolNews website.

2003 Movie News

Listed below are all the Movie News items archived for 2003 organized into 5 categories:

“Superman” and “Batman vs Superman” Movie News:

Christopher Reeve Movie News: George Reeves Movie News: “Supergirl” Movie News:

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