2001 Comic Book News Archives


October 22, 2001: The Plight of Krypto

Newsarama have just published the latest "Journey into Comics" column by Mike Sangiacomo, which focuses on Krypto's return to Superman comics. Here's a small excerpt from Mike's article titled "The Plight of Krypto"...

I've been asked by the SPCIA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Imaginary Animals) to call for immediate action against Superman for his treatment of Krypto, who is certainly not Superman's best friend. Krypto may have a hide of steel, but he needs affection like any other pup. He's not getting so much as a scratch on the belly from the Man of Steel.

Krypto hitchhiked to Earth in the summer when Superman and Lois made a trip through time and space to Krypton. Don't ask me how they managed it, the whole thing is still a bit fuzzy. When they returned to Earth they had a stowaway, Superman's parents' pup, Krypto.

The whole idea seemed pretty poorly planned. If they wanted to bring back something to show for the trip they might have chosen something practical like, I don't know, SUPERMAN'S PARENTS who were left to die.

Instead, they came back with the pup of steel. That may be a bit better than a "My friends shattered the laws of time and space and visited a planet which never existed in this reality and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" souvenir, but they might have been better off with a Firefalls of Krypton mug.

Read the complete article at the Newsarama website.

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