2001 Comic Book News Archives

Action Comics #786

September 6, 2001: DC Provides "Full Coverage" in December

Newsarma reports that December's cover event from DC Comics finally has a name: Full Coverage.

While the idea of designing the covers of the DC's mainline books to integrate the characters' logo into the artwork has been known since the San Diego Comic Con, the plan had been in the works for many months prior.

According to DC Executive editor Mike Carlin, the idea to do a unified cover treatment for the mainline DCU books in December began with DC's Editorial Art Director, Mark Chiarello, who unabashedly admits the inspiration for the look came from Will Eisner's classic splash pages from The Spirit. "Our 'Faces of the DCU' cover event a few years ago was so well received that we all thought it was a good time to come up with another fun cover treatment," Chiarello said. "I was commenting to Mike Carlin that several of our character logos were incredibly iconic and recognizable. You can compare the Superman logo with the great trademarks of our time, Coca-Cola, TIME magazine, etc. I figured the only thing more recognizable than the character's logos were the characters themselves. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are more than comic book characters, they're immediately recognizable icons.

"I thought it might be cool to have a whole month's worth of covers in which the character was drawn in the area usually reserved for the logo. Not only would it be cool for a little kid to point at a comic book and see Batman up top where the logo usually is, but I love the thought of walking into a comic shop and seeing all of our characters prominently displayed amongst every other company's 'sea of logos'. Since we couldn't have just the hero up top and keep the rest of the cover blank, we looked to the work of comics master Will Eisner for inspiration. By placing the hero in an Eisner-like 'splash' page, we could dramatically integrate the character's name into the rest of the picture."

And "Full Coverage" month was born.

Read the complete report at the Newsarma website.

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