Mild Mannered Reviews – Challenge of the Super Sons #6

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Challenge of the Super Sons #6

Scheduled to arrive in stores: January 18, 2021

“The One With The Poison Circus-Clown Balloon”

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi
Penciller: Max Raynor
Inker: Max Raynor
Cover: Max Raynor

Reviewed by: Craig Boehmer

The two boys are rescuing Hawkgirl from a cloud of gas emitted by a sarcophagus. Superboy holds it in his lungs until they can release it into a green balloon, he refuses to release in the air for fear of the birds being hurt. They bicker over what happened and travel back home to find Rora. When they get there they are confronted by Savage.

5Story – 5: This is a great issue. The dynamic between the boys is lighthearted. It doesn’t take the medium of comics too seriously, even though it is life and death for Hawkgirl. This would make a great Saturday morning cartoon series… do they still have those?

5Art – 5: I adore Max Raynor’s art on this series. He captures the youthful exuberance of the boys so wonderfully.

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