Doomsday You have unlocked...


Name: Baby, Son of Bertron

Height: 7ft

Weight: 615lbs

Eyes: Ruby

Hair: white

Occupation: Destroyer

Base of Operations: None

Doomsday is the result of genetic breeding to create the utopian being.

The result of this tinkering by emotionless scientist Bertron- the unstoppable engine of destruction, DOOMSDAY!

Doomsday was sent out day after day and killed day after day by prehistoric beasts evolving each time. Evolution became Doomsday's weapon, every foe he fought he was able to evolve past become stronger with each battle and when Doomsday finally grew to perfection he promptly murdered his creator and everyone in sight before his rage took him across the galaxy.

His drive was the hatred of his father Bertron and of his home planet: Krypton!

Upon meeting the Man of Steel, Doomsday realized instantly they were both from Krypton and a bloody battle ensued.

The fight resulting in the death of both men!

However, Superman was brought back by kryptonian science and Doomsday survived by evolving again.

They have since fought on many occasions since, but during their last meeting Superman found the once seemingly mindless beast had undergone the ultimate evolution and developed... intelligence!

Thought to be dead if Doomsday ever returns he will definitely be at his deadliest!

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