
"QfK" Archives

Superman #666 Here are Kurt Busiek's answers to questions fans put to him about "Superman #666" and other relevant topics:

Kurt's Answers

Peter (Email address withheld by request) asks:
Hey, I was wondering if this current issue could be a beginning to a series of Superman in Hell? There's so many directions this story line could take, it would really make sense to explore every avenue.

Kurt: Well, next issue we're back to other stuff, so not a beginning in that sense, at least. But there are certainly enough unanswered questions to merit a sequel, at some point, and I'd be happy to explore those issues more. It'd be great if I could get Walter back to draw it when I do...

Adam Dechanel (email address wittheld by request) asks:
How old is Jimmy currently?

Kurt: Late teens or early twenties.

Kevin Brown ( asks:
Has Clark Been to Krypton Hell before? I don't understand where he is.

Kurt: Clark's never been to Kryptonian Hell; as shown in this issue, it was destroyed along with Krypton. In this story, he goes to Terran Hell, where the last surviving Kryptonian demon has made a deal with the overlords there to support him in a bid against Superman.

Michael Tasker (email address wittheld by request) asks:
Is Krypto loyal to Superman at all now? He seems disinterested in Clark. Seems odd that if Superman discovered Krypto prefers the company of kids that he'd choose Jimmy over Chris Kent.

Kurt: Superman hasn't been able to spend much time with Krypto recently -- I'd expect Krypto's still loyal to Superman, but given what he's been through, he'd rather stay with someone who has more time for him. Back in the pre-Crisis days, he seemed to spend most of Superman's adult years "romping in space," but here, he'd rather stay with someone like Jimmy than either be in space or hang around the Fortress and wait for Superman to have some spare time. As for choosing Jimmy over Chris -- he didn't, since he's never met Chris. He responded to Jimmy's call, and then Jimmy took care of him when he was hurt, so aside from Jimmy's general friendliness and support, that's why he likes Jimmy.

TalOs ( asks:
Kurt, correct me if I'm wrong here but wasn't it said that Kryptonians themselves were meant to be (around their planet's near destruction time frame) these apparently now highly advanced civilians that managed to actually EVOLVE beyond that of their ancestors, including their ways of yonder (religion as well as superstition), hence then as to WHY the ancestors decedents had over time turned more towards Krypton's scientific aspects of their culture come both daily beliefs and living methods really? If so, wouldn't it be safe to then assume that by Krypton's near end that the whole populace WOULDN'T in turn even KNOW of their own ancestor's Heaven and Hell scenario, thus giving no support to be able to manifest in turn into either a "Kryptonian Hell/devils" really (actually, wouldn't Jor-El's "Phantom Zone" act as a Kryptonian version of say Purgatory and Hell in one if there had to be one), nor Heaven/Angels for that matter too? :/ Just curious is all.

Kurt: I'm not sure I can correct you if you're wrong, TalOs, because I'm not sure what you're asking. If I'm figuring it out right, you're asking if Kryptonians would be so advanced that they wouldn't know their Hell existed, and thus the Hell couldn't exist? If so, then I'd say no -- either the Kryptonians were aware of their Hell (after all, it's not "advanced" to disbelieve in something that's real, and their Hell clearly is real), or it's not a Hell that depends on belief. Or both. But Krypton's culture, however advanced scientifically, had people like Zod and Ursa in it, so they're not beyond corruption and evil, and that would seem to be what Rakkar is talking about when he says what he says about needing the right kind of souls to feed on. So either I've misunderstood your question, or I've taken a huge number of words to say, uh, "No."

Adam Dechanel (email address wittheld by request) asks:
So Jimmy knows the secret? How? Or is that a "Read Countdown or you'll never know" mystery?

Kurt: At the very least, it's a "It hasn't been explained yet so I'm not going to tell you here" secret. As explained in Countdown and the Action trilogy, Jimmy doesn't know how he knows -- at least not yet.

Thanks once again! Seems we're sending you QfK questions weekly lately. Keep up the great work.

Kurt: Now that we're through the Action trilogy, it'll slow down a little! And Geoff's back in Action -- with Richard Donner and Eric Powell -- so I hope people are enjoying that!

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