Fan Made “DC/Marvel: Infinite Crisis” Trailer

A List Productions has put together a fan made trailer titled “DC/Marvel: Infinite Crisis” which combines a multiverse of characters from both companies.

Make sure you watch it through to the end…

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January 22, 2021 10:27 am

Interesting trailer. Nicely done. Teaming up DC with Marvel instead of a versus scenario. That I like. Well done to the makers of this fan trailer.
The way it looks kinda reminds me of the crises fan film that came out two weeks ago on YouTube. It was titled Crisis on infinite earths: Unlimited edition-ep 2 Supermen(fan made)

Last edited 3 years ago by Superman2878
January 22, 2021 5:15 pm

Wouldn’t it be awesome if TT games make a Lego game where DC and Marvel superheroes team up!? In that game, there would be two huge open areas – Metropolis and New York. It would be awesome!

Great trailer by the way, well done!

Last edited 3 years ago by approuty
January 24, 2021 6:45 pm

Now this, *this* is what I’m taking about! Bravo!!

if Warner Bros and Disney could make this into an actual reality, and if handled with extreme care (i.e. it’s script), it would legit be *the* highest grossing movie made in cinematic history, let alone a superhero one.

I hope this hella dope af masterpiece of an intercompany crossover made fan trailer *does* convince Warner and Disney, respectively to greenlight either a “DC vs Marvel” or “Justice League/Avengers” titled franchise with both companies taking baby steps towards this in the near future proper. 😀