DC Comic Books Now Priced at $3.99

Back in October 2010 there was a lot of concern amongst comic book readers when DC Comics increased many of their titles from $2.99 to $3.99, and the company reacted by creating a “Drawing the Line at $2.99” promotion in January 2011.

Now, in May 2018, with the increase in cost of ink and paper, all DC Universe ongoing titles (both physical and digital) will be priced US$3.99.

DC Comics increased the price of several of its ongoing titles in January 2017, but kept twice-monthy shipping titles at $2.99. Now all DC Universe titles will sell for $3.99.

Source: Newsarama.com

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May 12, 2018 7:24 pm

I understand the increase in physical comics but in digital?
Where are paper and ink in digital comics?

Kal L
Kal L
May 12, 2018 9:34 pm

It stinks for us in other countries, as we already pay $7+ an issue with the exchange rate.