Other Miscellaneous Superman Stuff

Did You Know?

A Weed Called Superman, Clark Kent & Kryptonite

Did you know there is a variety of a weed plant known as "Superman/Clark Kent" and "Kryptonite"?

The little weed Arabidopsis thaliana is the best friend of plant geneticists.

Arabidopsis gene names have mostly been linked to the Arabidopsis database TAIR or to the Meinke laboratory mutant gene list.

Superman and Clark Kent - Superman mutants have extra stamens (male genitals) in their flowers. After it, another similar mutation was found, only more whimpish. It was named clark kent. Later, however, it turned out that clark kent is only another form of superman.

Kryptonite - Kryptonite mutation suppresses the function of superman (above).

Source: Clever Gene Names Website